RRC crews to contest NSW Championships

We are again challenging NSW and other state crews at the NSW State Grade Champs at Penrith. This regatta has proved very popular with perfect autumn weather, friendly officials who make us very welcome and a great course to row (straight and buoyed!).
More information about the regatta is available from http://www.rowingnsw.asn.au/news/253/609/edward-trickett-regatta-revised-start-times.html
The beautifully appointed RRC  trailer is loaded with all our equipment to get the crews on the water. It is a long trip up the Hume Hwy so we wish the driver and car crew a safe trip. NB Don’t ring the Captin today, he is otherwise engaged!
The crews have done all their training to be ready to do their best coming down the olympic course. We wish them a great 2 days of racing.
Each days’ competiton has been delayed (2 hours on Saturday and 1 hour on Sunday). But that is not a problem, as it is due to Rowing Australia holding their olympic trails for the London Olympics. This is a wonderful opportunity to see our top rowers in action, battling it out to represent Australia. Wish we were there!
Good luck Tigers and we look forward to report in the near future on the regatta and the results for our crews.