Redevelopment FAQ – New Facilities

Will RRC members have to share the changing rooms with other tenants?
As shown on the proposed floor plan the new clubhouse will comprise three changing rooms – two existing and new one. The new changing room will be allocated to MLC for the exclusive use of their rowers. Any other tenants would use the existing club change rooms.
Will members be able to use the gym when there is a function in the hall?
It is our belief that as a result of the redevelopment, club members will gain greater access to the club’s facilities. The gym will allow members to train while functions and/or educational activities are underway in the hall space.    The club will continue to raise operational, fleet, maintenance, and future redevelopment funds from function hire; as such members will be asked to refrain from entering the hall while a function is underway.
The exact interaction with the 4th bay tenant and 1st floor facilities is unknown at this time because this tenant has not yet been determined.
Will RRC members be able to use the MLC education space?
At this stage it is anticipated that when MLC isn’t using the educational space, it will be made available to club members if the main hall is in use by another party.
Given neither the club nor MLC have had such a facility before it is likely that how we envisage this working will need adjustment overtime.