Gray Matters getting amongst the runs

TIME TRIALS this Sunday!
The boys finally managed to do their time trial, – rating a comfortable 22 they got around the island in 31min 19sec. Meaning that they are now finally faster than the women’s crews.
So well done! (worth all that secret midnight training and the empty crate of powerbars I found in the skip when looking for Nicole’s invitation to the black tie event which is the Australian Rowing Galah Head (ARGH) after unsuccessfully attempting to convince her it was fancy dress come as your favourite farm animal).
So that we can plan crews and coxes for this weekend please let your coaches know by Thursday whether you will be time trialing.  Also, the new DS will be doing their first even time trial so make them feel welcome over brunch and don’t forget to tell them how HARDCORE they are. Let’s all go with “the first time trial I did took (and then name a time between 1 hour 15 and 1 hour 45) and I had to have a nap afterwards on the bank and get plastic surgery on my hands”. Should give them hope for the future and a great ego boost.
Please stick around for brunch and an update on the 2nd half of the season and the fun racing you can look forward to. This is our second last time trial – the last one will take place on Sunday Dec 13th.
USUAL HARDCORE UPDATE: (sorry boys just a carry over from the usual women’s chatter).
Well done to the women’s 8 for beating their record and consuming 93 dim sims, Good luck in hitting the ton (in more ways than one) in December.
Well done to the B team narrowly beating the quad in backyard cricket, Super wickets taken on both sides and the score was 600 runs versus 560 for the quad, kegs consumed with much quoting of the 12th man “And welcome back to the SCG or the MCG or the Gabba or the WACA or wherever the hell we are”. (The only clean line I could print). Also for those who are coming to Coober Pedy with me on Saturday have your Harley at mine, fuelled up at 7am, first stop the Ettamoga pub for the laggards.
BOXERCISE at RRC, starting at 6.30pm.  Great time of year to take this up, Christmas list writing stress, aircon not working at home, kisses your friend’s little brother/sister at the races, your work Christmas party is now BYO and at your bosses house in Monee Ponds due to budget costs, and you have to bring coleslaw and cupcakes for 38 people, all your clothes are from last season and may or may not be cool (how can you tell?) Or may be too tight (Does it make the outfit sexy or scary)!!! You have white legs and a hairy back which seem to have come from NOWHERE. So much to get you down. So go and hit something without being looked on badly by your mother.
Led by John Vickery, who has been running the weights programs for us at the Richmond Football Club.  Boxercise will be run from the rowing club while the Punt Rd buildings are renovated, and as long as interest is maintained. How much? $10/full, $5/student, and like weights, I guarantee a workout that will improve your strength & cardio – rowing’s not so secret sauce.
Any questions? Ask Lionel Rose or that guy who was on Dancing with the stars, if you can’t get hold of them try Martin.
– Sign up for Hamilton/Wentworth Regatta by November 16th.  This is a fun and exciting regatta – if you haven’t been ask your coaches about it.
Here’s the link:
Barry seems to have a vested interest in this one, he may have some money riding on our medal tally. He wants you to read this
SUPER TIGER(S) Award of the fortnight award goes to Franzie Locher and Julia Avis for spending Melbourne Cup day – not wearing fancy hats and drinking champagne – but rather painting 16 sweep oars.  16 Oars is a lot of oars to paint, so the marathon project took all week to complete.  The oars will look really slick for Melbourne Head and HoTY!   So thanks so much to both of them.
A couple more female sweep rowers are needed to make up Melbourne Head crews, please email Nicole ([email protected]) ASAP if you would like a row.  So far we have almost 3 D grade fours entered.
No news from the boys, seems they are too busy stealing coxes to generate any newsworthy activity!! Thanks for leaving Joe available 2.17pm-2.34 on a Wednesday afternoon, we have advised Joe to start mumbling, rocking up late and to cease all teeth brushing.