Gray Matters battling the heat and the files….

Hello Rowers,
How about this hot weather, now is when your stroke timing practice really comes into play. You will need incorporate a drink of water in the recovery part of your stroke as well as brushing flies off your legs, feet and shoulders. Extensive eyebrow wiggling, blowing and loud unexpected shouting should keep them off your face (and the rest of your crew from snoozing in the sun).
Melbourne Head
Get down early for the start of the regatta and bring your family, friends and significant others and show your support for your team mates and enjoy the atmosphere. Remember cheering makes all the difference in a regatta, with a boat house right on the water this could be all the difference between us and Lake Bolac (Who had to get up even before they went to bed last night to make it there) taking the glory.
Zooties needed for Melbourne Head
Best not race in the nude, despite how much training you’ve been doing or how many dog walking ex’s with overweight new partners frequent the riverside. All rowers please bring your spare RRC zooties to lend out, as there are new members without uniform. If you don’t have a zootie please let your coach and crew mates know, so that we can make arrangements.
Hamilton Sign Up
Please respond, get on the sign up board, even if it feels a little de ja vu, yes you have to do it again, Simon (Man not Boat) Crunden had too much Mountain Goat ale or is possibly campaigning for a weekend at home with the fam and has lost all your responses. It’s your best chance to visit the Giant Wool Bales and pick up a pair of Ugg boots direct from the source.
Need you to sign up by this Friday 20 November 2009. Or it will be Barry and I having a romantic meal and rowing a double, the Grange looks ok, what do you think Barry?  
Boxersize on Monday Is on at 6.20, we thought about making it 6.19 and 34 seconds but figured we’d be a bit lenient.
Why go? Few reasons, how good are Magnums, have you tried the new one with biscuits in it!!! And the Ego is always a winner. Got to work of those calories some how. If you don’t show you need a good excuse (like working in Geelong). It’s awesome training with a real expert in the field so a great opportunity.
Was HUGE and record breaking! Over 50 rowers and coxes – a record. Four men’s crews on water – a record. Fastest tub four time of the season 39min:50sec set by Phil, Roger, Charlie and Peter in the John Latham = 50% of the mixed masters crew competing at HoTY.
Fastest girls 8 time of 34min:04sec set by Laura S, Sophie, Karen, Susie,Silke, Laura M, Anthea, Rosie and coxed by Derek and coached by John Latham. We had 3.5 new DS crews on the water racing – so phenomenal effort from them. Puts them in good shape for HoTY D grade 8s.
Last Time Trial SUNDAY DEC 13th – Mark this in your calendar. The aim is 60+ rowers and coxes on water!
HOTY After Party
The organisers for the HOTY after party are busy in negotiations with various parties working out where we are going have our party due to the RRC retro venue not being available that night. The venue is an email away from being confirmed and the transport that we have arranged to get from the Boatclub to the venue is stroke of genius by former President Julia Avis….it will be awesome. 
Keep your eyes on the blog and email and get the frock dusted off for what should be a big night of celebrations (and comparing blisters).
PS – Apologies for those people that went out and started the process of procuring retro furniture to decorate the club for the HOTY after party. For those interested, Simon (MNB) has a really nice vivid red retro couch and a couple of retro chairs that would look great in just about any setting…..going very cheap!
Girls Corner
We had a great time with the Harley’s last weekend, who would have though that the Ettamouga pub would have had all you can eat meat-lovers pizza and paintball! What a winner. Heading back this Saturday to pick up Arnie and Susie who picked up some cash in hand work concreting the new cellar.