Gray Matters and the Fundraisers

Hi Teamies,
Ok, there has got to be something going on is this high powered rowing world of ours. Now let me think back to the minutes I wrote at our team meeting (not all that many as I have finally perfected the exact shade of white eye shadow to use to draw my eyeballs on the outsides of my eyelids and purchased (on ebay) a motorised pencil, to make it look like I was alert and busy).
Sydney – two weeks to go – RRC is training hard with the men’s rowing a shiny new 8 – bought with fundraising funds. So happy are they to use this, despite the fact that the men’s funds combined were enough to fund an our, (from Big W when they are selling their pool equipment late summer).
The Easter Bunny (sponsored by Cadbury in this emerging corporate world) is delivering our chocolates on Thursday and will be ready to pick up from Thursday night at the club. If you’re not there on Thursday you’ll find that your chocolates will be stored in the bar fridge with your name on them – your coaches/committee members have access to the bar fridge, so if your box level is lower than expected then hit em up for a few multiples of $1.20.
Now, while it is great to see the gold coins mount up, before you decide to you throw them willy nilly into parking meters and pokie machines and to obtain gold coin entry into the Camberwell market….. Remember, you actually need to pay for the choccies.
Payment for chocolates will be due April 26th at the latest to via B-Pay to your fundraising account.  If you don’t pay up we will pursue you to the end of the earth. You will never be able to relax again as you see a little yellow and black person in the distance wielding a money box in one hand and the Bob Stanley in the other in a threatening manner. It’s not worth it, unless you manage to sell millions of dollars of chocolate, then I suppose you might be able to hire a minder.
Happy Easter – remember Cadbury fundraising chocolates are better than Easter eggs or Lindt chocolate bunnies. Frogs and bunnies both jump, what else matters? Anyway, how many times have you seen a bunny and a frog in the same room hey!! Not many, there is a good chance that they are one and the same.
While the men lavish in our new hard earned boat, they continue to drag their heels in the fundraising stakes! Could it be possible that the lack the necessary charm to approach customers? Or the metal (and at times brute strength) to close the sale? (exception’s here being Justin “Trivia Night” Thomas and Barry “Chocolate Crew Coach” Campbell).
The stats on chocolate boxes sold:
75 = female (curvy, results oriented, smooth and polished sales people)
42 = male (ribby vegans likely to seen talking to the plants in the Alexandra gardens about the existence of drop bears)
Or 36% of sales to the boys and 64% of the sales to the women (Don’t have ASF donation stats yet, it may well have been detailed in the team meeting…).
However, what’s interesting to note – is that the DS women have ordered chocolates, but none of the DS men have. So we’ve taught them to row, do we need to teach them how to eat chocolate too?
Simon Crunden (man not boat), gripping his keyboard as he typed due to a serious deficiency in dairy, sugar, emulsifiers, soya lecithin, 476, flavours and traces of nuts, has some faith in his tree hugging, mung been munching boat loads of lads. He is hoping the boys use their powers of persuasion to sell chocolates in Sydney.
Or possibly forget their wallets and packed lunches and have to resort to eating the lot.
Simon, MNB also would like to point out (and pin his hopes on) the men’s number 1 chocolate fundraiser from last year (Martin) who has not placed an order for chocolates this year (sales fatigue no doubt) but there is no panic in the camp yet, as we have a number of strategies in place to ensure it will not be the men who will be buying the drinks on presentation night.
So girls, think of the Sav Blanc shouts and SELL, SELL, SELL. Let’s face it our new bingo arms will provide more weight on the oar, which can only be good news, and in my advancing years, drinks purchased by the male sex for the purpose of quenching my thirst as err well can I say slightly less frequent than in previous years.
katie gray
PATNS (PA to Nicole Stupka while she not looking after the horses and JK)