Wow! What a fantastic response we have had to Club Races this Sunday – we have about 50 people racing which is going to make for a great morning on the water.
As a result we have had to change racing into 8’s and quads (to cater for some people that have not rower sweep yet).
If you haven’t rowed or raced an eight before have no fear – Club races are the ideal time to jump in and have a go and you will be rowing with people that have raced in an eight before. Sit down, strap in and go with the flow!
Here is the draw – remember, how a crew looks on paper is not how it goes on the water….Club races is all about the fun of getting on the water and having a challenge.
10am       Rower briefing upstairs ate boathouse
10.20am 8+ Heat 1 – Eight A vs Eight B
10.40am 8+ Heat 2 – Eight C vs Eight D vs Eight E
11am      8+ Final B – the 3 losers from 8+ heats 1 and 2
11.20am 8+ Final A – the 2 winners from 8+ heats 1 and 2
11.40am 4x+ Heat 1 – Quad A vs Quad B
12 noon  4x+ Heat 2 – Quad C vs Quad D
12.15pm   4x+ Final B – the losers from 4x+ heats 1 and 2
12.30pm  4x+ Final A – the winners from 4x+ heats 1 and 2
12.45pm LUNCH – soup and sausage sizzle, gold coin donation each. We would love some people to bring along a cake / something sweet to share.
Be upstairs at the boathouse by 10am, ready in your rowing gear. Don’t be late, even if you are in a late race as there will be a briefing at 10am and we will need help to get all the boats out. Plus you get to support everyone else in their race.



Mike O’Neill Katie Cowley
Sarah Knight PJ Eadie
Thalia Marshall Rob Martinovic
Gail Davidson Sarah Ryan
Fatima Vally Vanessa Young
Maninder Singh Caroline Lewis
Martin Foster Rochelle Stokes
Virginie Gregoire Michael Gehling
Cox: Mike Numa Cox: Derek Begg




David Micallef Tony Pick Dennis Beck
Louise Roberts Lindsey Brown Karen Doggett
Julia Artemenko Ben Soraghan Alena Leonardi
Jennelle Marden Christine Kaissidis Gail Carter
Jemma Evans Amanda Shaw Nick Kaissidis
Edward Cordner Liz Hagerty Dylan Nicholson
Justin Thomas Rachael Button Cat Hardy
Matthew Couch Barry Campbell Emily Dunn
Cox: Mike Numa Cox: Derek Begg Cox: Karin Bouvin




Morgan Thomas Corrine Renshaw
Jodie Naisbitt Kathy Macrow
Mike Numa Michael Gehling
Dennis Beck Nick Kaissidis
Cox: Karen Doggett Cox: Rochelle Stokes



Edith Hamilton Alice Fredericks
Emily Dunn Karin Bouvin
David Micallef P J Eadie
Martin Foster Barry Campbell
Cox: Karen Doggett Cox: Rochelle Stokes

If your name is not on this list but should be – please contact me ASAP, it is not intentional! I have had to double up a couple of rowers so I will swap you in.
Looking forward to a great morning of racing – Go Richmond!