Continued investment in our fleet announced at the AGM

Our AGM was held at the club on Saturday 29th July 2017 in our wonderful facilities. It was an opportunity for the members of the club to come together and reflect on the clubs operations over the past year. We continue to be able to present a healthy balance sheet. Thank you to all who attended and thank you to all the Committee members for their contribution through the year. The clubs healthy finances benefit greatly from our amazing venue and our ability to continue to hire the venue through the ongoing work of the Committee and Lucy as our Facilities Coordinator. As you will have seen from recent blog post about the kitchen and bar refurbishment we continue to invest in the club so we can maximise our income. We were pleased to announce at the AGM our ability to continue to invest in the renewal of the fleet as the outgoing Committee have placed an order for a brand new Sykes boat, a men’s Kevlar bow coxed quad/four.
A major part of the AGM is to elect a new Committee and Farewell any departing members from the Committee. The three Committee members who stood down will be sorely missed.
Karen Doggett, our outgoing president has been a member of the Committee for six years, four of them as president. During this time her dedication and commitment to the role and the club have been evident to all. She has also found the time for significant on water success during the time. The club is in a strong position as Karen leaves the Committee.
Dave Micallef has been the clubs Fundraising Coordinator over the past year, he has overseen a successful fundraising contribution that has allowed us to refit the gym and invest in some much needed new oars. Nick Forte steps down as ordinary member having contributed strongly to the fleet subcommittee and redesigning the gym.
The new committee for the 2017-18 season consists of:
President – Jon Roberts
Vice-President – Geraldine Goss
Secretary – Aline Dejaeger
Treasurer – Kathy Macrow
Captain of Boats – Barry Campbell
Head of Rowing – Tim Evans
Facilities Coordinator – Lucy Crunden
Fundraising Coordinator – Christine Sullivan
Two ordinary members – Yashwini Vegi, Laurent Demay
Congratulations and welcome to our newest Committee members, Christine Sullivan, Yashwini Vegi and Laurent Demay.
Following the conclusion of the AGM we celebrated the newest addition to our fleet, the Dennis Beck, our brand new women’s Kevlar bow coxed quad/four Mould 10. Dennis was on hand to swing the hammer and officially name the boat.
Thanks to everyone who then helped out with the bbq and bar afterwards.
Naming Dennis Beck