Recognising members taking on Non-Committee roles

Richmond Rowing Club is a volunteer managed club, as members we are all responsible for assisting with the running of the club however we can. Without pitching in to get things done the club would not be able to operate.
Some people take on greater responsibility through Committee roles which are elected annually. Check out the attached post for a reminder of your current Committee. We also have a number of dedicated volunteer coaches, who we thanks and recognise annual at our awards night at the end of the season.
To support the Committee we have a number of non Committee roles that members take on. These are not always known or celebrated, so would like to take the time to communicate the roles and those performing them.
The Committee would like to recognise and thank the following people who have taken on these formal roles this year:

  • Vice-Captain (new) – Kim Begelhole
  • Boatloading Coordinator – Shern Timmins
  • Archive team lead – Anthea Amos
  • Bar Manager – Gypsy Shepherd
  • Social Coordinator – Amy Catlin
  • Health and Safety Officer – Steven Sheppard
  • New Member Coordinator – Stef Dudczig
  • Merchandise coordinator – Rosie Dickson-Hoyle
  • Tech Team Lead – Michael Gehling
  • Student Liaison – Kat Spinnler
  • Learn to row Coordinator – Yash Vegi
  • Regatta Coordinator – Kirsty Fergie

A detailed description of the roles and responsibilities is attached.  Non-committee-positions-of-responsibility.pdf
We are always looking for more people to assist, if you have a skill that would be relevant or are interested supporting any of the Committee or leader of formal roles, please reach out. Volunteering can be as simple as helping to arrange an event, serving behind the bar, writing a blog post, coxing for a crew, being a BRO for part of the day at a regatta or tidying up around the club after an event. In addition if you are asked to help out or see a post of Facebook asking to help, please do so if you can.

2019 RRC AGM – Saturday 27th July

Richmond Rowing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the clubhouse on the morning of Saturday 27th July. The meeting will start at 10am followed by club races and a BBQ.
At the AGM all Committee members stand down and positions are available for club members to stand for election to the RRC Committee for the coming year. Generally the incoming Committee is a blend of new and experienced members. To present yourself for election, you are required to have been a member of the club for more than 2 years and be willing to help out with the club’s organisation. If you are interested, feel free to chat to any of the current Committee members to get some more background information. The Committee positions are:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Head of Rowing
  • Captain of Boats
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Facilities Coordinator
  • Ordinary Member (two ordinary member positions are available which assist with a number of areas including New Member Coordination and Learn To Row Coordination)

During the AGM, outgoing Committee members will briefly go through some of the highlights of the year, as well as a summary of the club’s financial situation and the main achievements compared to the goals we set out last year. This usually takes less than an hour and we warmly invite all members of the club to attend.
If you wish to present yourself for election, please complete a nomination form (found on the documents page of our website) and submit it to the secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (BEFORE 12th July).
Please show your support for the Committee and your Club by attending the AGM.
Nomination for Office Bearer – July 2019

Reminder RRC Strategic Planning Session – 7 July 10am to 12pm

Don’t forget the Richmond Rowing Club Strategic Planning Session, running from 10am to 12pm on 7 July at the club.
Full details are on the earlier blog post. I’m looking forward to seeing as many people there as possible.
Register your interest on the Facebook event or let me know if you are planning on attending. If you can’t attend and have any feedback please drop me an email or see me at the club.

Quiz Night Auction Items – Help required!!!

With our annual Trivia Night approaching fast (24 March) we are again in need of your assistance.
We are looking for items to auction….these could be just about anything…wine, tools, accommodation (especially if you have a holiday house), tickets to concerts, shows or galleries, hampers, sporting goods, jewellery, paintings, prints, linen, electrical items…. so as you can see the list is endless.
The other thing that is always a winner is the donation of your time which could include things such as Coxing (everyone needs a coxwain), coaching, handyman, babysitting, gardening, painting or if you are a professional then perhaps you could offer you service of expertise for a period of time.
We have already had a wonderful donation of 2 designer wooden benches (walnut and rift oak). Name: Botanist Minimal Désigner: Dario Antonioni and a large coffee table that has a chrome frame and finished with a toughened black glass top. Thank you Laurent but we need more
Please have a think and see what you can come up with. All donations will help raise money for the club and will be put towards upgrading our fleet as part of our fleet renewal plan which includes smaller boats (pairs/doubles and singles).
Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or donations or 0419538048
Cheers and thanks again Chris

Club Working Bee – 18th March 2018

Has that mould in the showers been bugging you? Has that squeaky wheel been annoying you?  Do those dirty slides leave grease marks on your calves? Grips on your oars all slippery? Have no idea where things go? Then grab your favorite marigolds, workwear and be ready to pitch in and lend a hand on the 18th of March at 12pm after training (you can start earlier if you want!!).
There will be something everyone can do from labelling to spring cleaning in the gym with your favourite tunes, cleaning those oar handles and much more. Come down pitch in and have a laugh.
When we all pitch in it keeps our club and equipment in ship shape condition and in the way that we like to use it.
It’s expected that all members could do a little around the club. If you can’t be there it’s OK ask Barry or Lucy what’s on the list to be done and have a go at something in your own time. Don’t forget to let them know what’s been done, so we can take it off the list.
Please get involved it’s your club!!

Upcoming RSA course and updated RRC policies

As you know, RRC now has a limited liquor licence, which allows us to open our recently refurbished bar and sell alcoholic beverages. This allow us to enhance the social aspect of club activities and add an avenue for fundraising as well.
Importantly, events where the bar is open must be conducted in a manner consistent with liquor licensing legislation. As a result, the Committee has recently adopted 2 club policies to ensure we comply with our licence and maintain a responsible and safe environment. These policies can be found on the club website:
RRC Alcohol Management Policy
RRC Safe Transport Policy
Here are some brief points:

  • Alcohol will only be served at club organised events, approved by the Committee. Our licencing hours for these events are as follows:
  • Sunday & ANZAC Day(Sunday) – Between 12 noon and 11pm
  • On any other day – Between 12 noon and 1am the following morning
  • Members serving behind the bar must have their Responsible Service of Alcohol qualification. You are strongly encouraged as a club member to complete one of these courses. The more qualified members we have the more potential we have to open the bar and the less we rely on the same people to do all of the work. See below for more information.
  • The licence is only valid in the upstairs area of the clubhouse including the deck (excluding the gym and changing rooms). Alcohol cannot be taken downstairs or outside of the clubhouse.
  • BYO alcohol is not allowed on our premises at any time, whether the bar is open or not.
  • Alcohol misuse can lead to risk taking, unsafe, unacceptable and/or illegal behaviour. As club members we will expect a responsible approach and use of good judgment when alcohol is available. Members will not compete, train, coach or officiate if affected by alcohol. Alcohol will not be served to persons aged under 18 years.
  • We ask that all attendees at our functions plan their transport requirements to ensure they arrive home safely and prevent driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Non alcoholic beverages will also be served whenever the bar is open. Water will be provided free of charge.
  • Members may bring guests to club functions where the bar is open. Guests must sign in to the club register with their name and address, and the name of the member they are with. The register will be kept in the bar.

The club has recently reached an agreement with Good Sports, to hold an RSA course at the club on 14th March from 6.30pm. We have 7 free spots at the course, available on a first in basis, hopefully we will be able to get more spots closer to the date. Please email [email protected] if you would like to attend.

So you, your friend, your partner, your mum and dad all want to be BROs??

Read on….
BROs (Boat Race Officials) are an integral part of regattas.  Without them, there is no regatta.
These are the people you see (usually in safety vests), spending a little time:

  • directing the boat traffic at the launching places
  • making sure the rower’s boats are safe (bowballs, shoe tie-downs)
  • directing boats as they line up for starts, and then starting the races
  • judging if there’s interference
  • working out who’s come first, second, third and so on

Our club needs to provide a BRO at almost every regatta we attend.  It can be tough for rowers to run between BROing and racing, and we want coaches actually coaching!  So we’d love a rowing widow/widower, a supportive mum or dad, or your best buddy to get involved. The more the merrier, as BROs can share shifts.
BRO training consists of attending a lecture and then being supervised initially.  Level 1 accreditation is obtained by performing 4 practical BRO stations: control, start marshal, bank umpire and judge.  Also, Working with Children’s Check are now required.  These are easy to get and free for volunteers. Apply Here
The club can also support a BRO’s education by taking them out in a boat (to get a rower’s perspective) and/or having them ride alongside a coach on the bike path.  The club insurance will cover them for risk and accidents.
Next BRO course is on Tuesday 6 March 6-8pm at Yarra Yarra (a few sheds down from RRC).  Register here to attend.  What’s holding you back??
Doing some BROing is also a great way for those new to rowing to get to see what happens at a regatta (from the insiders view), so new members are also encouraged to BRO.
Any questions? Contact Chris or Kathy