As the season is almost to a close, we have some important business to take care of – the annual Around the Island – Keith Miller Award Trophy to compete for, end of season break dates and an invitation to participate in the RRC strategic planning.
Keith Millar – Around the Island Time Trial in regulation fours (tubs)
Coaches, it is time to assemble crews for the annual RRC Keith Millar Around the Island time trial. Rules are:
– Time trial to be raced in a tub four boat
– Timed by your coach
– Representative on the bank to check for river safety when turning back from the island
– Times to be forwarded to the Head of Rowing [email protected] by Sunday the 7th of June.
Award – there is an engraved glass trophy for the fastest male recorded time and fastest female crew recorded time. Winners will be announced at Presentation night on the 13th June. If you have any questions please let me know.
Coaches please note : – typically the time trial is raced ‘around’ the island. I understand this is not possible due to dredging works. Crews will be required to turn at the island and row back…not row around it. Please do NOT amend times for turning, sipping drinks etc. Only raw times from ‘start to finish’ are accepted for the time trial.
Scullers – There is a time trial for the fastest recorded time in a tub single. Rules the same as the above however the course is up to Swan Street Bridge, turn and back to pole in front of club.
RRC Season Break
1st June – 19th July will be the official RRC Season Break. During this time crews are encouraged to cross train, cycle, use the gym etc, however there is no official planned squad training. Crews wanting to train on the water are self-organised. Please alert our captain to boat usage.
Strategic Planning 2015/2016
Coach mentor, one squad culture, coxswain development, fleet purchase planning – all of these innovations (and more) came from the strategic planning days held in the past. Please consider attending, as it is open to the whole club to attend.
How can I be involved?
First there will be a survey link sent around to you during the week. Please fill this out so the committee and members can gauge how we are going.
In addition to this you are invited to the club on Saturday 20th June 10 am to 2pm for the workshop forum. Responses from the survey will be collated and innovations through workshopping in groups will begin.
Rowing Regards, Rochelle
Head of Rowing
Eric Britton
Thank you to everyone who helped last Sunday at the club to celebrate the life of Richmond life member Eric Britton. Please read the below transcript written by Ray Dennis to commemorate the life of a great friend.
I have been asked to say a few words about Eric’s involvement in the sport of rowing. But first let me express the sympathy of the Richmond Rowing Club members to Barbara, and her family and to his sons Richard, Stephen, and Malcolm, and to all their extended families on the passing of a man whose loyalty and dedication to this club was unparalleled.
Eric joined Richmond in 1955, I am not sure whether his choice was influenced by his employer Bill Yoxon (President at that time) or his allegiance to the football team. Eric was first instructed by Ron Marsh then Mal Gardner (King’s Cup crew member) with whom he formed an extremely strong bond, which was to continue until Mal’s passing. Under Mal’s tuition Eric utilized his great strength to best advantage, and would go on to be the first choice as stroke or six seat in any eight. His regatta successes were not only in Eights but in fours and pairs. Most notably when teaming with Lindsay Patullo he won State Titles as the Champion Junior Pair and later the Senior Champion Sprint Pair, the latter against a formidable Nagambie crew.
Eric never lost an opportunity to row, he was always ready to participate in the many club races held at that time. He enjoyed the sprints but the Time trial was the favourite, it was a military operation, selecting crews within the parameters, arranging times, then racing, often more than once a week, in 1957 he and Lindsay asked Graeme Macfarlane and I to join a crew, which, subsequently set a time that was not beaten for several decades. This was the start of a valued friendship.
This commitment to club activities earned him the honour of being awarded the Mal Scott Award Three times.
His strength, enthusiasm, punctuality, discipline, and camaraderie meant he was an extremely valuable asset to all crews including those he was not personally involved.
Eric’s profession as a carpenter, his enthusiasm, and organization ability, especially in the days of timber boats and a timber shed made him an obvious choice as Captain, a position he held from 1957 till 1962. This task he took on with his usual diligence, varnishing and repairing boats and oars, thus ensuring all equipment was in appropriate condition for training and competition. His work in this area was of great assistance in the Club winning the state Junior Championship. He arranged working bees to ensure the shed was maintained and improved. His dedication to maintenance continued long after his formal position ceased, he cleaned and painted the internal gutters in this shed until access was restricted. He set a standard of commitment to the club and its activities and members responded. He continued to participate on the committee serving two terms as Vice president in 1962/3 and again from 1965 till 1973.
The club recognised his contribution in 2000 by making him a Life Member.
Eric was very loyal to his friends, any assistance given was repaid threefold.
Eric was an individual he had always worn shorts to work, but in 1962 he wore them everywhere, while presenting Henry Lawson’s shirt, to Mal’s funeral, and even to an ice hockey match.
When I returned to the city in 1969 we arranged a social row with others of our vintage unfortunately Eric and I were the only ones to persevere, so except for a couple of masters head of the Yarra, and a pair competition ceased, we continued to row the tub pair socially mainly on a Wednesday evening, on time, without fail, minimum, around the Island, more commonly Toddy’s corner. “Not worth getting the boat wet” was his reply if a shorter row was mentioned. This was in all weathers, Barbara once commented on the inclement conditions and was it worth going out, Eric’s reply was “The river is not frozen, so why shouldn’t we?” An occasional weekend was arranged for a special event, e.g. could we get to Dight’s Falls and could we see the Tall ships at Station Pier from water level. Answer, yes to the ships, not quite to the Falls, the water is too shallow about 400m past Johnson Street bridge. I did a rough calculation that we must have rowed well over 18000K’s together. As mentioned, Eric would use any excuse to row, and if I was not available for an extra session he would come down and scull, he even came down on Christmas morning to scull. Unfortunately in 2008 his health deteriorated to such an extent that made it dangerous to row and very much to Eric’s and my regret we had to cease.
As you can see Richmond was Eric and Eric was Richmond, so it is with a great deal of sadness that we say farewell to a committed oarsman and hope there is a broad stretch of water for him to continue his passion.
Stroke – Eric Britton, 3 – L. Patullo, 2 – R. Shrimpton, 1 – A. Busietta, Cox G. Stewart & Coach M. Gardiner
Safety Reminders
It is great to see many people still braving the weather and training over the Winter but with fewer people around at the club I just want to take the opportunity to remind everyone of a few basic safety and important practices to remember.
1. Please complete and update the sign out book AND new safety board everytime you take a boat from the shed. Also check the sign out book to see everyone has returned before you bring the scull rack in and lock up the boat bays. Unfortunately a member was left locked outside with a single last week which we do not want to happen again.
2. With fewer daylight hours, everyone must give their upmost attention to safety and lights on boats. RV has informed us that a patrol was recently conducted on the Yarra River by Maritime Safety Victoria (a branch of Transport Safety) and there were some clubs that did not comply to:
TWO 180° lights = white FLASHING stern light and white CONSTANT bow light on each boat.
Lights must be displayed from sunset to sunrise and in times of restricted visibility during daylight hours. It is more difficult to judge speeds and distances at night or in restricted visibility. Understanding lighting configurations will enable you to take corrective action to avoid a collision. A vessel’s lights should indicate the direction that the vessel is travelling.
By law, navigation lights and their installation on rowing boats are required to comply with the above simple positioning and technical requirements.
Safety is paramount and fines will ensue if proper care and concern is not being demonstrated by ALL clubs AND each of their crews.
Let’s all work together to negate this threat to the personal safety of all water users.
Important all year round but this is a timely reminder.
Any questions do not hesitate to contact myself or other members of the committee.
The Victorian Oarsmen & Womens Association (VOWA) requires assitance
Please see the below message:
On behalf of the Victorian Oarsmen & Womens Association Inc (VOWA) we wish to appeal for volunteers to join the committee & fill the executive positions of President, Secretary & possibly Treasurer as well.
This is a very old rowing association whose aims are “To promote, maintain and renew old associations and to enhance the spirit existing amongst those who have participated in rowing and to foster, improve & perpetuate the sport in any legitimate manner including assisting clubs & interstate or International crews.”
Currently we have approx 80 financial members & approx 200 who have lapsed in recent years.
The former executive has served for many years & no longer have the time or energy to provide the leadership that the organization desperately needs.
Although there are only 4 committee meetings per year including the AGM the new executive needs to reinvigorate the association by updating the constitution and meeting other regulatory requirements which would not be too demanding.
More importantly the new committee needs to promote and renew memberships (currently $10 per year) and to investigate & implement new ideas to try to meet the aims of the organization.
If anyone is interested in taking up this challenge then please contact Glenn Bottrell email [email protected] or speak to Mark Brown, Jim Skidmore, Stephen Pennicott, Tim Catford, Kathy Wilmot, Ian McWilliam or any other members / former members of VOWA and they can pass your details onto Glenn.
If we cannot fill these positions then we will have to wind up this formerly great organization.
Glenn Bottrell
VOWA Committee
Working bee
To steal a line from the Phantom, For those that came in late…..
we announced we would be having a working bee on Sunday 19th of April in the last Easy Oar but most of you have probably forgotten all about it and have exciting plans of being anywhere but at the rowing club in your worst work-wear mucking out the sheds. Well that’s a pity as you will miss out on being in on the kick off of Phase 2 of the RRC renovations.
Members have probably been thinking for a while now we’ve got this shiny new upstairs area but the RRC rowing bay is looking a little worn and dated and could do with a revamp. You’re right and on Sunday 19th of April we take the first steps in scoping out the future layout and configuration of the existing RRC bays and to do this we need bodies armed with measuring tapes and helping hands to carry boats or oars in and out to see if any of the new configuration ideas are going to give to work. In fact if you have an idea for a layout please feel free to make a suggestion.
We’ll also be doing a few of the usual things we do at working bees too. Cleaning out the shed. Throwing out accumulated junk, painting things, sanding oars and filling in dings, making new V-pieces for sculls to go on the trailer. Surveying the boats for any major repairs in the off season and noting worn parts for replacement. So if you’ve ever wanted to know how to fix something yourself now is the time to learn.
Bring your dungarees and old painting gear as it’s likely to be a little messy. We’ll kick off from 9.30am and see how much we can get done by 2pm. Many hands make light work. If you can spare an hour or two around training, or commitments we’d appreciate it.
We’ll need a few extra tools too so if you have spare paint brushes, paint trays or a paint roller and long extension handle or a heat gun and measuring tape at home please bring it and don’t forget your marigolds.
Barry Campbell, RRC Captain
8 week pilates course
Need to strengthen that core and improve your flexibility?
Pilates classes will be held at RRC starting Thursday 30th April (check the RRC events calendar for all dates), every week for 8 weeks. 6.45-7.30am run by Erika (who ran the Pilates classes at MRC last year).
Likely to be $100 for the 8 week course but we do need people to sign up for the whole set so we have viable numbers to run the course. It is open to non RRC members aswell but we want you all to have the first opportunity, so don’t miss out. The classes she ran last year were great. Please contact Jennelle if you want to sign up.
Preparations for Victorian State Championships
This weekend the sprint season hits its pinnacle with the Rowing Victoria State Championships, taking place at Nagambie. Richmond will be competing on Sunday 1st March in mens and womens sweep and sculling events and we wish everyone taking part good luck and a great day of racing.
For those attending Boat loading will be this Friday at 6pm.
Don’t forget to check ROMS for the up to date schedule, event times and to check out your competition.
A quick congratulations to everyone who took part in last Saturdays Australian Henley regatta too. With both male and female crews winning heats or qualifying in time trials to progress in a fiercely competitive event with total seats up from 740 last year to 1109 this year. Geraldine Goss was a final winner in a composite female masters coxed quad scull.
The sun and humidity definitely had a lot of us keen to make use of our new air conditioned clubhouse and refreshing bar after racing and a big thanks to Cat Hardie and her team on the bar and bbq who organised the afternoon activities. Also thanks to Justin Thomas who once again took on RRC’s BRO duties and stood through scorching sunshine and torrential rain – only in Melbourne.
Until next week…..
Updating SportsPlanner
Hi Tigers,
Can you kindly take a minute to update your profile in sportsplanner to add your phone number?
It’s easy enough and will help people contact one another if they are running late or can not make training.
Log on to sportsplanner and click on the team members tab
Find your name and click on it.
Next to your name you will see ‘change my profile’ click on this and add your mobile phone number into the relevant field
Rochelle Stokes
Sprint season is underway
Well done to all who attended our Sprint Rowing Camp on the weekend. Special thanks to all our dedicated coaches and once again, especially to Lindsey for her support helping to organise our coxes.
The flash of black and gold on the water was very impressive. Many sessions we had 3 eights, three quads, 3 fours and other boat combinations. That is a massive effort. You should all feel a little sore, with renewed blisters and fitness!
Now to channel that fitness into some racing.
We are currently organising entries for Lake Colac Regatta Sunday 01st Feb. Urgently review your status on sportsplanner for this regatta so we can complete crew planning. Entries are due this weekend.
I will be emailing the women’s squads directly.
Sadly, this year we will not be attending the Pennant Regatta in Tasmania. The logistics for such a regatta are heavy and with so many other rowing commitments, we just haven’t been able to execute this.
It will remain on the agenda for 2016 and a planning group allocated.
See you on the water this week for some more ‘quick legs down’ training
Regards, Rochelle
The Yarra River
In case you didn’t see it, todays Age contained an article about the activities on and around the Yarra River, and thanks to an interview with our very own Carolyn Manning, Richmond Rowing Club got a special mention.
Click here to read the article