2022 Saltwater Challenge

It was another auspiciously sunny day to head west for the first regatta of the season- the Saltwater Challenge on the Maribynong.

Big congratulations to our 11 competing crews, with first place finishes in the FMClub4x+/- and MC4x+, with the masters club women also taking the “biggest winning margin” award for the regatta.

link to album

  1. MO4X+/- Male Open Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    P.Cook, P.Oborin, I.Balemi, B.Wardle, Cox: D.Begg, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    3rd 16:55.60
  2. MA4X+ Male A Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    R.Healy, M.Gehling, A.Pupko, T.McKay, Cox: C.Crouser, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    3rd 18:22.74
  3. MM4X+/- Male Masters Club Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    D.Beck, J.Roberts, A.Randall, T.Foster, Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    11th 18:05.20
  4. FM4X+/- Female Masters Club Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    Melbourne University/Richmond
    G.Goss [RCHMD], P.Whiting [MUBC], H.Pearce [RCHMD], J.Bant [MUBC], Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN
    1st 18:42.07

S.Timmins, H.Doherty-McMillan, K.Fergie, W.Emptage, Cox: C.Sullivan, Coach: A.Lawler
8th 20:05.69

  1. FSCH4X+Y91 Female School Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 1
    PLC Melbourne
    Y.Wang, H.Chowdary, C.Wei, J.Spencer, Cox: S.Leslie
    24 21:55.09

PLC Melbourne
G.Gonzales, C.Lowe, T.Xiao, T.Vessey, Cox: S.Houghton
16 21:14.10

  1. MMClub4X+/- Male Masters Club Quad Scull
    P.Munson, K.Begelhole, C.Burke, T.Evans, Cox: S.Dudczig
    6th 20:36.87
  2. MB4X+ Male B Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    A.Randall, A.Pupko, B.Wardle, I.Balemi, Cox: D.Begg, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    3rd 17:57.19
  3. FMClub4X+/- Female Masters Club Quad Scull
    G.Goss, K.Doggett, K.Dyball, H.Pearce, Cox: C.Crouser
    1st 18:48.70
  4. FB4X+ Female B Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    A.Kinsman, L.Innes-Irons, K.Fergie, R.Dickson-Hoyle, Cox: E.Mitsch, Coach: A.Lawler
    2nd 19:10.46

C.Sullivan, R.Button, S.Leslie, S.Houghton, Cox: D.Spring, Coach: A.Lawler
4th 19:33.13

  1. XM4X+/- Mixed Masters Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    D.Beck, G.Goss, T.Foster, H.Pearce, Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN
    4th 18:47.93
  2. MC4X+ Male C Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    P.Cook, D.Ingram, R.Healy, K.Wong, Cox: D.Begg, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    1st 18:44.70

8/22 club races

The sun was out for some short notice club races Sunday August 28th.

Lily, Alex K, Rosie, Caley, Andrew, Dimitri (FIRST TIME IN A SWEEP BOAT- well done), Cynthia, Dennis, Will, Pat, Ben, Isaac, Pavel, Alex, John C, Gerry, with coxes Derek and Kat.

Starter was Helen, finish line manned by Diana and Chelsea.

Lily organised the bar AND manned the BBQ with Alex K.

Thanks to Christine, Leigh, George and Barry for help at the bar.

album link

2022 Winter Sculling Series

It’s been a good year for RRC’s participation in the VSA winter sculling series.

Sarah H and Emil L at the VSA awards

Congratulations to Emil Limansyah and Millie Cameron for winning the Dennis Cup and Ramsbottom Trophy for novice 800m racing this season, and Sarah Houghton for the Stokes Salver aggregate 2k racing points award.

Big thanks to the indefatigable Sue-Virginia, Michelle Joy as well as Leigh Sullivan, Susanna Mullner, and Lucci Meagher who volunteered their time for many of the Saturday races.

There’s lots of results to parse on the VSA site for the rest of our club participants in the series: Helen Pearce, Phil Munson, Gerry Goss, Kirsty Fergie, Thomas Mckay, Christina Mills, Christine Sullivan, Susanna Mullner and Shern Timmins.

2022 RRC AGM – Saturday 30 July

Richmond Rowing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the morning of Saturday 30th July. The meeting is currently planned to start at 1130am, following the club races planned for 10am. There will be a club bbq following the close of the meeting.

At the AGM all Committee members stand down and positions are available for club members to stand for election to the RRC Committee for the coming year. Generally the incoming Committee is a blend of new and experienced members.

To present yourself for election, you are required to have been a member of the club for more than 2 years and be willing to help out with the club’s organisation. If you are interested, feel free to chat to any of the current Committee members to get some more background information. The Committee positions are:

Head of Rowing
Captain of Boats
Fundraising Coordinator
Facilities Coordinator
Ordinary Member (two ordinary member positions are available which assist with a number of areas)

During the AGM, outgoing Committee members will briefly go through some of the highlights of the year, as well as a summary of the club’s financial situation and the main achievements compared to the goals we set out last year. This usually takes less than an hour and we warmly invite all members of the club to attend.

The meeting will be available in a hybrid format, with a link to follow for those who wish to participate but are unable to make it to the club.

If you wish to present yourself for election, please complete a nomination form (available here) and submit it to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (by COB 15th July). If 3 signatures on a pdf is logistically difficult, the Secretary is happy to accept emails from the proposer, seconder, and nominee stating their support of the application.

2022 Presentation Night

On Saturday 18 June we celebrated the ’21/’22 season, with the following awardees:

Derek, Millie, Chelsea, John & Jack with their club race glasses

Club race winners:
Jack H, Keith W, John C, Chelsea C, Anthea A, Mikey G, Kerrin H, Millie C, Alex P, coxed by Derek B

Mal Scott Male club rower of the year:
Ben Wardle

Male Masters rower of the year:
Phillip Munson

Male Masters composite rower of the year:
Ray Dennis

John Sawyer Female club rower of the year:
Kate Dyball

Female masters rower of the year:
Michelle Joy

Eye of the Tiger:
John Carey

Captain’s Award:
Helen Pearce & Kirsty Fergie

Don Edwards Coxswain of the year:
Derek Begg

The President’s Award:
Sue-Virginia O’Hanlon

Special thanks to Amy Catlin for organising the evening, helpers Kirsty Fergie and Sarah Hardy and to our bar manager Lily Innes- Irons and all the helpers on the bar. Set up and clean up was done by Amy and Gerry with some helpers on the night.

2022 Masters National Championships

Big thanks to Chris & Leigh Sullivan for trailering, and S-V the indefatigable BRO.

It was great to see all-Richmond club crews rowing in WA8+, WC8+, WA4+, WB4+, WC4+, WB4x, WB4x, WC4x, WD2x, MC4x, MD4x, MixC4x,  MixF4x, WLWB1x.

Medals are awarded to the fastest single-club crew in each event: these fastest club gold medals went to Richmond in the A4+ (Dyball, Pearce, Doggett, Crouser, cox Joy) the B4+ (Dyball, Joy, Maxwell, Doggett) and the C4+ (Dyball, Joy, Goss, Doggett), a dominance in the sweep categories!- as well as the B4x (Dyball, Joy, Maxwell, Doggett) and B2x (Dyball Joy). 

Championship gold medals were won in the A4+, B4x and B2x, and in composite crews in the A8+, G8+, G4x, J-M 8+, J-M 4+ with gold medals in the MixC4x (Pearce, Golding), MixE4x (Pearce, Goss) and MixF4 (Goss).

It was great to see Richmond field two club eights, and for many it was a first experience at a Nationals regatta- well done to the WA and WC eights! (A.Amos, C.May, D.Hill, S.Hardy, S.Stewart, N.Finn, S.Mullner, E.Miles, K.Fergie, C.May, A.Lawler).

Well done to RRC mens and mixed crews and special mention to Dennis Beck for travelling to Ballarat to sub into the mens D4x – “An absolute honour to represent the club at nationals and help some crewmates out”, or “It gets me out of doing a time trial”



WA4+ C.Crouser, K.Doggett, H.Pearce, K.Dyball, Cox: M.Joy 3:56.02
WA8+ H.Byrne [NSHR], P.Rak [MELB], B.Kerr [MELB], R.Gribble [WENDB], A.Rukuwai [MELB], L.Skidmore [YARRA], C.Crouser [RCHMD], L.Stackpool-Moore [MOSM], Cox: J.Rhodes [MELB] 3:30.18
WB2x M.Joy, K.Dyball 3:49.32
WB4x K.Dyball, M.Joy, Z.Maxwell, K.Doggett 3:38.23
WG4x J.Bant [MUBC], P.Whiting [MUBC], L.Phillips [MELB], G.Goss [RCHMD] 4:23.63
WG8+ S.Gould [MELB], L.Phillips [MELB], J.Bant [MUBC], A.Parbury [MUBC], P.Whiting [MUBC], K.Lloyd [BCRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], L.Broad [BRC], Cox: E.Plowright [MELB] 4:09.72
MJ-M4- A.Verey [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], D.Wilson [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD] 4:40.67
MJ-M4+ A.Verey [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], D.Wilson [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS] 5:15.29
MJ-M8+ D.Christie [BANKS], A.Swindon [BANKS], J.McKay [BANKS], J.Thompson [MERC], A.Verey [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], D.Wilson [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS] 4:20.85
MixC4x H.Pearce [RCHMD], W.Golding [RCHMD], C.Bishop [BARW], M.Madar [BARW] 3:31.48
MixE4x G.Goss [RCHMD], H.Pearce [RCHMD], C.Shinners [BANKS], J.Lowe [BANKS] 3:50.11
MixF-G4x G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], S.Allsop [ESSEN], T.Juzefowicz [ESSEN] 3:42.75


WB4+ K.Dyball, M.Joy, C.Crouser, K.Doggett, Cox: W.Emptage 3:52.62
WD8+ B.Klein-van Mullekom [MELB], K.Lloyd [BCRC], H.Pearce [RCHMD], L.Phillips [MELB], J.Kilby [MELB], R.Gribble [WENDB], L.Skidmore [YARRA], A.Rukuwai [MELB], Cox: E.Plowright [MELB] 3:51.24
WE4x G.Goss [RCHMD], L.Martin [WENDB], B.Klein-van Mullekom [MELB], K.Lloyd [BCRC] 3:50.57
WE8+ J.Petley [YARRA], L.Phillips [MELB], G.Goss [RCHMD], H.Pearce [RCHMD], L.Broad [BRC], Z.Ryan [MELB], C.Carr [YARRA], K.Lloyd [BCRC], Cox: S.Cuddy [CARM] 3:53.77


WC8+ B.Klein-van Mullekom [MELB], K.Lloyd [BCRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], R.Gribble [WENDB], K.Patten [POWR], L.Skidmore [YARRA], A.Rukuwai [MELB], S.Hayward [CARM], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS] 3:38.37
WF2x G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Macready [STGEO] 4:15.57
MF4+ B.Rasheed [POWR], G.Hansen [APSM], R.Jones [MELB], M.Dakic [MELB], Cox: A.Amos [RCHMD] 4:15.93
MJ-M4x J.McKay [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], A.Verey [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD] 4:44.29
MixF-G2x T.Bishop [QBC], G.Goss [RCHMD] 4:22.36

2022 Masters State Championships Nagambie

RRC big guns were out in force for masters states 7/5 in Nagambie, with nine athletes pulling in 3 first, 7 second, and 2 third place finishes across a variety of composite and all yellow and black crews, with Gerry managing an eight-medal haul for this weekend.

Thanks to Kirsty for BROing, and Chris & Leigh for trailering.


FME4x- M.Joy [RCHMD], G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], P.Whiting [MUBC]
FMEK4+ G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], K.Patten [POWR], F.Spriggs [POWR], Cox: L.Letic [APSM]
FMEK8+ S.Gould [MELB], A.Parbury [MUBC], J.Bant [MUBC], L.Phillips [MELB], P.Whiting [MUBC], L.Broad [BRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], Cox: E.Plowright [MELB]

MixMGK2x T.Bishop [QBC], G.Goss [RCHMD]
MMGK4+ D.Wilson [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], P.Anderson [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS]
FMAB4+ C.Crouser, K.Fergie, M.Joy, K.Doggett, Cox: C.Lawrence
FMD2x G.Goss, H.Pearce
FMAD8+ B.Klein-van Mullekom [MELB], K.Lloyd [BCRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], R.Gribble [WENDB], K.Patten [POWR], L.Skidmore [YARRA], A.Rukuwai [MELB], S.Hayward [CARM], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS], Coach: J.Walker
FMAB4x- K.Doggett, Z.Maxwell, M.Joy, K.Dyball
FME2x C.Carr [YARRA], G.Goss [RCHMD]

FMAD8+ J.Fischmann [CARM], C.Crouser [RCHMD], K.Doggett [RCHMD], C.Carr [YARRA], S.Waters [BCRC], C.Plowman [CARM], J.Deeble [CARM], K.James [CARM], Cox: J.Cuddy [CARM]
FMC4x- K.Doggett, G.Goss, M.Joy, K.Dyball

2022 Albert Park masters regatta

2022 Albert Park masters regatta group photo

Heavy rain the night before led to a sunny, about as wind-free day as you’re going to get on Albert Park Lake (sailboats were still out).

Anthea was competing on two planes this sunny Saturday- “… so I demoralized them and took advantage of them. It’s good to have lots of rowing friends and enjoy good banter with, and keep ahead of them on the course occasionally. “

Everyone from RRC was a winner today, with notable first medals for Cynthia Masters & Sarah Hardy, as well as for our distinctly not-masters age Ini from the coxswain seat!

Thanks to Barry & the Sullivans for getting the trailer to and from the lake, and particularly Helen, Kirstie, Tim, Dennis, Christine, Leigh for loading in the rain the night before.


XM4x+ C.Masters, L.Sullivan, P.Munson, A.Amos, Cox: Y.Lai
MM4x+ J.Hellerstedt, P.Oborin, J.Carey, D.Beck, Cox: D.Begg
XM2x H.Pearce, T.Evans
FM4x+ C.Sullivan, S.Hardy, K.Fergie, S.Mullner, Cox: Y.Lai

MM4x+ S.Cross [WDRC], P.Munson [RCHMD], T.Evans [RCHMD], L.Sullivan [RCHMD], Cox: C.Sullivan [RCHMD]
MM2x P.Oborin, J.Hellerstedt
FM2x H.Pearce, K.Fergie
XM4x+ C.Masters, J.Carey, D.Beck, A.Amos, Cox: C.Sullivan
FM4x+ C.Sullivan, S.Hardy, H.Pearce, S.Mullner, Cox: Y.Lai
MM4x- P.Oborin, J.Hellerstedt, J.Carey, D.Beck