Gray Matters tall and chocolate sweet

Hi Team,
Chocolate money is due by April 14th – so sell hard or eat lots. As I am typing this I’ve had 3 freddos.
As I’m piling on the kilos all in the name of fundraising I am cheered by such thoughts as

  • Errr heavier people are harder to kidnap
  • Larger people are historically hot!
  • No need for buttock enhancement surgery (can spend that money on cake)
  • Constant health fears gives every day an exciting uncertainty and really helps you live in the moment!

Sydney was awesome – I think Simon put stuff up on the blog.  Lots of raving on facebook including photo’s.

Learn to Row
Better late than never, let your friends know or alternatively go in disguise and ask all those questions you have been too embarrassed to raise, eg who is Karen Anzinger and what poor soul had parents who named him/her Punt Road, Why is Backsplash necessary when you are going forward?, why do I always yet the slow erging machine?
We have a LTR course starting for the next four weeks, on Sat at noon (fits in perfectly after Yum Cha) – which means that in a month’s time there will be lots of new faces around the club.  There will be a need for DS coaches so if people are interested in a new challenge, talk to Justin Thomas, Camel Musterer and DS coordinator.

Masters Regattas
Lots of fun if you dig ole people in zooties, they are not so easy to beat either, the older they are the bigger headstart they get, dig out your old fake ID which probably says you’re at least 3 years older than you are and we’ll use that for your entry.
Masters regattas – Think about your availability and let your coaches know if you are interested in racing (Click here for all the details).

Club Challenge Races
The club runs challenge races in fours, tub pairs and singles. Challenge races have been around for a long time and are a proud RRC tradition. Keep your ears and eyes open for information on when the races will be held.
See you next week.
Katie Gray PANS (Personal Assistant to Nicole Stupka)