What's in a name?

Some RRC members may be thinking that boats grow on trees given the abundance of new RRC fleet that has appeared at the club over the last season. If only it were true, in reality however the hard work and willingness to part with a dollar by our members, the work of the fundraising sub-committee, generous but less active current members and a surprise anonymous donation has seen four new singles and a coxless quad join the RRC fleet.
Recent fleet purchases and donations:
A 2nd hand Sykes coxless quad
To supplement our coxless fleet and provide a boat better suited to our lighter rowers we announced at the AGM in 2014 the club had purchased the former Ted Woolcock (new name TBA) via fundraising activities from YYRC.
Two 2nd hand Swift 60-70kg Singles
The success of the Christmas Raffle raised the funds for the club to purchase a 2nd hand Swift single from Genazzano and advance function bookings of our fabulous new building enabled the committee to tip in general revenue funds to purchase a second single from Genazzano.
2nd hand Swift 90kg+
Martin Foster had generously allowed members to use his Swift single for the last few years while he and Nicole have been busy developing our next generation of coxswain’s and rowers. The committee has offered to purchase the single from Martin and he has graciously accepted our offer to add this single to our fleet.
New Sykes Initiator 90kg single:
The email from Sykes advising that our new single was ready for delivery and that they were sworn to secrecy on the origins of the order had the committee and the captain amazed by the generosity of you the RRC members thank you whoever you are.
This sudden influx of fleet items has left the committee with a slight dilemma.   We need names for our new fleet and as a committee we’ve decided that our amazing and generous membership should be the ones who actually suggest the names. If you have a suggestion for a name, then email [email protected] with your idea or drop your suggestion in the secretary’s box in the gym, before April 2nd 2015. The suggested names will then go to the next committee meeting where we’ll choose from names suggested by the membership.
Thanks, Barry Campbell – RRC Captain

Sam testing out the new single
Sam testing out the new single