Recognising members taking on Non-Committee roles

Richmond Rowing Club is a volunteer managed club, as members we are all responsible for assisting with the running of the club however we can. Without pitching in to get things done the club would not be able to operate.
Some people take on greater responsibility through Committee roles which are elected annually. Check out the attached post for a reminder of your current Committee. We also have a number of dedicated volunteer coaches, who we thanks and recognise annual at our awards night at the end of the season.
To support the Committee we have a number of non Committee roles that members take on. These are not always known or celebrated, so would like to take the time to communicate the roles and those performing them.
The Committee would like to recognise and thank the following people who have taken on these formal roles this year:

  • Vice-Captain (new) – Kim Begelhole
  • Boatloading Coordinator – Shern Timmins
  • Archive team lead – Anthea Amos
  • Bar Manager – Gypsy Shepherd
  • Social Coordinator – Amy Catlin
  • Health and Safety Officer – Steven Sheppard
  • New Member Coordinator – Stef Dudczig
  • Merchandise coordinator – Rosie Dickson-Hoyle
  • Tech Team Lead – Michael Gehling
  • Student Liaison – Kat Spinnler
  • Learn to row Coordinator – Yash Vegi
  • Regatta Coordinator – Kirsty Fergie

A detailed description of the roles and responsibilities is attached.  Non-committee-positions-of-responsibility.pdf
We are always looking for more people to assist, if you have a skill that would be relevant or are interested supporting any of the Committee or leader of formal roles, please reach out. Volunteering can be as simple as helping to arrange an event, serving behind the bar, writing a blog post, coxing for a crew, being a BRO for part of the day at a regatta or tidying up around the club after an event. In addition if you are asked to help out or see a post of Facebook asking to help, please do so if you can.

Volunteering at RRC

Have you been wondering about what you can do to volunteer to help at RRC?
Every year we have to call upon our members to help in all sorts of ways and this year will be no different. Everyone can help in one way or another and here are just a few ideas:
Be a boat race official (BRO) at regattas – this is an easy task and it is an RV requirement that Richmond provide BROs for every regatta which we enter. To be eligible you must complete the Level 1 BRO course and this year that couldn’t be easier as it is being held in our own boathouse this coming Tuesday 8th September, please register to attend using this link
Cox your friends and other crews – we are always short of coxes and experience in a boat from the coxes seat will no doubt help you become a better rower by having an appreciation of the feel or movement of the boat. It’s all about providing motivation and encouragement to the whole crew (as well as avoiding collisions). At RRC we require all members to complete their level 1 coxing accreditation within 1 year of membership to ensure you have a good understanding of river rules for you and your crews safety. Once again RV is holding a level 1 course in our very own boathouse on Monday 14th September so if you haven’t already you can register here
Continue reading “Volunteering at RRC”

Access update and help required this Saturday – 12th July 9am

As many of you will be aware we have been working hard to enable those people still wishing to train over the Winter break to have access to the fleet during our redevelopment project.  The builders are making progress and you can see the huge scale of this project now but unfortunately the upstairs of our shed still remains unaccessible and entry is only possible through the boat bay roller doors (which are however new and shiny).
We have been accessing our fleet in the MLC bay while works proceeded however MLC will be returning to rowing next week (Thursday 17th July) and as a result we need to move everything back into our original bay THIS WEEKEND. Unfortunately our hardworking captain has been whisked away to Manilla for work and so I am looking for volunteers to help me do this on Saturday morning, 12th July from 9am. Many hands make light work so I am hopeful it will not take too long.
Whilst Barry is away only Michelle Joy has a key to open up the shed, she alone has been inducted for the worksite and therefore is the only member of RRC with permission to open the boatclub. Currently the shed will be open for those wishing to row on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6am, Saturday’s Winter sculling and Sunday all club training from 8am. Please remember to use the signout book if you are rowing at these times. If you have any questions regarding this arrangement or wish to offer your help on Saturday morning please contact me, [email protected].  Everyone’s help, understanding and patience during this time is really appreciated. We will keep you updated on any changes to this situation as soon as they become available.