Strategic planning day Saturday 1st July

Thanks to everyone who took part last week in the rowing season review to help look at successes and areas to target for improvement next season for the rowing opportunities at the club. Along with the on water activities that form the foundation of our rowing club, Richmond encompasses much more than that and the success of our community managed volunteer organisation requires planning beyond the rowing program.
We are currently in a strong position with our facilities and finances thanks to the work by many over the last few years so now we must look forward and plan for the future to ensure the club continues to deliver and improve upon its current status. We want to set big picture goals and objectives and we need our members to help shape the direction for RRC going forward. Some of you may remember back in 2013 we undertook some strategic planning and we want to review and update this to help us focus our energy and resources on the key areas we see as priorities for the club.
I want to invite you all to attend our strategic planning session to be held on Saturday 1st July at the boathouse from 10am-1pm. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a member, what experiences you have or what you think you can contribute everyone is welcome (even if you don’t say a word) and its an ideal time to just find out a little more about what makes Richmond the club it is and how you can contribute to it.
Strategic-PlanningWe’re aiming to keep it very focused and to encourage lots of people to attend it won’t take up your whole weekend – just a few hours on Saturday morning after Winter sculling. So starting at 10am we will review the status of our last strategic plan and discuss the key areas we believe are still relevant and any new priorities or focus areas. We can then begin to formulate goals, objectives and action plans to help us achieve them.
You can find further details on our calendar including the agenda and summary from the 2013 strategic plan as a basis for the talking points and framework for the day.
This will be the first step in preparing a plan and setting goals to ensure the longevity and success of the club and in turn all its members and so we encourage input and assistance from you all. If you have any questions about how you can contribute or want to find out more please contact me. I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday July 1st, 10am.