RRC Annual General Meeting 26 July 2014

The RRC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 26 July 2014 at 10AM in the clubhouse. Although the redevelopment will not be completed, we will have access and use of the hall. It will be a great opportunity for members to meet, appreciate the improvements to our hall, as well as participating in the AGM.
The AGM includes reports from the current committee, elections for the 152nd committee and voting on changes to the Rules of Association (RofA).
We are required to make a few changes to our RofA to be compliant with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012. The Committee has taken the opportunity to review all our RofA and make a few other amendments to reflect current requirements and modernise language. A link to the summary of changes is below.
If you are considering nominating for the 2013-14 committee then please speak to a current committee member to seek information on the time and work required. A link to the nomination form is below.
All nominations for the 2014-15 committee must be with the Secretary 14 days prior to the AGM, that is Saturday 12 July 2014. Completed nomination forms can be scanned and attached in an email to the Secretary ([email protected]) ,handed to me in person or posted to the Secretary. Currently no mail box is available at the club, so all mail needs to be directed to; 13A Warana Way Mount Eliza 3930.
If you are unable to attend the AGM, you may wish to be listed as an apology. Please email apologies to [email protected].
If you are unable to attend the AGM you may wish to vote by using a proxy. The Proxy Form will be available from me, the Secretary, after nominations close on Saturday 12 July. Requests for Proxy Forms should be made by email ([email protected]) or phone call, 0438 367 915. Only Proxy Forms obtained directly from the Secretary and returned to the Secretary no later than one day prior to the AGM, Friday 25 July, can be considered valid.
The Minutes of the RRC AGM Minutes 2013RRC AGM Agenda 2014 , RRC Office Bearer NominationSummary Of Significant Changes and the Revised RRC Statement Of Rules 2014 are available from the RRC public website, at www.richmondrowing.com.au/documents/.
We look forward to as many of you as possible attending this important club event.