Redevelopment FAQ – Boat Bays

How many bays that will be allocated to RRC fleet?
For the time being RRC will continue to operate out of one boat bay.  There are no immediate plans for RRC to occupy additional ground floor space, however we will get some additional boat racking space by moving the front stairs to the outside of the building’s footprint. This will provide the club with approximately 20% more boat racking space.
The committee believe that this space will meet the club’s needs into the foreseeable future.  The sport is phasing out non-racing (tub) hulls, and boat builders have recognized that storage space is increasingly at a premium; newer boats of all sizes (1, 2, 4, 8) are designed to be rigged and de-rigged for each session.  With updated racks, improved sources of ongoing revenue from the development, and ongoing fleet turnover this would allow the club to effectively double the number of boats stored on each rack.
The number of members that the club can support today is primarily limited by the number of volunteer coaches and coxes, as well as the limited common time available to train that each member of a crew has at their disposal.  This is why a lot of the club’s current rowing schedule is clustered around Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning and evenings, as well as Saturday and Sunday mornings.
If required, fleet utilisation can be further increased by wider distribution of crew training times (5 weekday mornings and evenings, 2 full days on weekends).
The above would support the twin goals of storing more fleet, and maximising the utilisation of the space.
Will there be additional storage space at the clubhouse for riggers, oars, furniture?
Through the redevelopment additional specific storage space will be allocated to store, among other things, tables, chairs, riggers and other equipment.
Internal storage and layout logistics are still being worked out and there have been many improvements in racking and storage designs over the last 10-15 years that we hope to take advantage of, until we figure out all the configurations, we can’t say for sure what will be stored exactly where at this stage.
However additional space will be created by moving the front stairs outside of the club’s current footprint will require us to reconfigure the current boat racking and oar storage configuration. As noted above this will provide the club with approximately 20% more boat racking space.
It is also envisaged that the space between Melbourne and RRC may allow for some external storage allowing older less used fleet to move outside again freeing up rack space within the shed for newer fleet.
Who will occupy the remaining three boat bays?
MLC will occupy the two ‘new’ boat bays, allowing them to consolidate their fleet which is currently stored in other sheds and at the school.
At this time no decision has been made regarding who will occupy the fourth bay.
Discussions are underway with parties that have expressed interest.  In assessing which choice to make the management committee is bound to choose what it believes is in the best interest of the club.
On what terms will the fourth bay be leased?
As discussed above, discussions regarding a tenant for the third boat bay are still being worked through and no confirmed decision has been made at this stage.
However some of the terms that the committee wish to pursue with the parties that have expressed interest include:

  • Willingness to accept RRCs proposed terms of sub-lease, e.g. offering a 5 year term with the following options of – 5 + 5 + 6 years
    This will allow both parties, RRC and the tenant,  the opportunity to consider whether they wish to execute the options. The committee believes this provides RRC with a great deal of flexibility allowing for the club to reassess its needs at each 5 year term, such as whether more boat storage is required for RRC fleet.
  • Willingness to make a long term financial commitment and payment of an annual fee, generating regular and consistent cash flow for the club
  • RRCs assessment of our ability to create a constructive day to day and management relationship with the tenant.

Will the membership be consulted on the tenant that will occupy the fourth boat bay?
The committee will not be canvassing member opinion about the tenant for the final bay as this is not a robust process for selecting a tenant.  The committee has established criteria, as described above, such as:

  • Willingness to accept RRC’s proposed terms of sub-lease;
  • Willingness to make a long term financial commitment; and
  • RRC’s assessment of our ability to create a constructive day to day and management relationship with the tenant.