Member Protection Policy

Rowing is a sport that values teamwork, cooperation and leadership and one that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.

Rowing Australia is committed to ensuring that a diverse range of athletes continue to enjoy our sport for years to come and to providing a safe environment in which to do so. Rowing Australia has developed its Member Protection Policy to reinforce its commitment to providing an environment for participants of all ages and backgrounds that is safe, free from harassment and abuse, and promotes respectful and positive behaviour and values.

Richmond Rowing Club has adopted the Rowing Australia Member Protection Policy. The policy provides a code of conduct forming the basis of appropriate and ethical conduct which everyone must abide by. Inappropriate or unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated by Rowing Australia or its State and Territory Associations, and disciplinary action will be taken against individuals if there is a breach of this policy.

Derek Begg and Aline Dejeagher have taken on the Richmond Rowing Club Member Protection Information Officer roles. If you believe you have a Member Protection Policy matter and would like to discuss further, please contact Derek or Ally. If you feel that you are not able to speak with someone at Richmond Rowing Club about such a matter the Rowing Victoria Member Protection Information Officer to contact is: Lynne Charge

This policy is an essential part of our proactive and preventative approach to tackling inappropriate behaviour within our sport. I trust that all Richmond Rowing Club members, coaches and athletes will assist in promoting safe and responsible behaviour within rowing. 

Link to MPP

If you are a member of Rowing Victoria and would like to report a MPP incident please click on the link :

Link to MPP complaint