Helping Others Develop their Rowing Skills (with the bonus of personal skill development and feeling good)

Have you ever wanted to help others improve or develop their rowing skills? 
But didn’t know where to start?  Didn’t have the confidence? Didn’t have the time, but now you do?
Rowing Victoria is offering the last face-to-face Level 1 Rowing Coaching Theory Course at Richmond, before they move to online testing from July 1.
The course will run over 2 nights – from 6.30pm – 9.30pm Monday March 7 and Wednesday March 9.

It costs $220, but the club can support 3 people for half the cost, IF they need this financial support AND are willing to commit to coaching at the club AND obtaining their Level 1 Coaching Accreditation within 6 months of attending the Level 1 Rowing Coaching Theory course.
Our club is offering a supportive environment for new coaches to “learn on the job” and further develop their practical skills during the Learn to Row programs in May and June this year, followed by the Development Squad starting in July.
To obtain a Level 1 (Learn to Row) Coaching Certificate, you need:
  • Attendance at the Rowing Coaching Theory lectures (including passing a couple written quizzes) OR (after July 2016) completion of the online test
  • Sign off by an RRC accredited coach (we have 10 of them!) confirming attainment of specific practical skills – after at least 10 hours coaching
  • satisfactory completion of the online Australian Sports Commission “Community Coaching Principles”
Our club is offering a supportive environment for new coaches to “learn on the job” and further develop their practical skills during the Learn to Row programs in May and June this year, followed by the Development Squad starting in July.
Our club will also offer our coaches access to an experienced coach mentor (from outside the club) who will also observe your coaching and offer suggestions and will run off water Coaching Development sessions on specific topics.
Coaching others (and learning on the job techniques from our experienced coaches) may also help you improve your own rowing. It will certainly help you gain skills in training, motivating, and organising which are directly transferable into the workplace, and look great on a CV!
Best of all, it will make you feel really worthwhile as you see the skills attainment of the new rowers.  Imagine how proud you would feel as you watch rowers you’ve taught cross the finish line in their first regatta.
So, if you are interested in helping others improve their skills in rowing and want to attend the Level 1 Rowing Coaching Theory Course on March 7 and 9, please contact Kathy Macrow ASAP, [email protected]