Have you visited the new RRC website yet?

Richmond Rowing Club is proud to announce the activation of our new website. Still found at www.richmondrowing.com.au we have a newly designed site where we are hoping you will find lots of helpful information.
For example, check out the new calendar and events pages helping you plan your rowing and social diaries. For fundraising, redevelopment and regatta updates check out what’s happening via the blog.
For those of you competing in Banks Masters regatta next weekend click on the event page to link to the try booking seat fees site and don’t forget to note the RRC boathouse bar will be open after racing on Saturday 29th March.
This is an exciting development from our communications sub committee formed after last years club strategic planning and I hope to be able to bring you more updates as we build on other areas from the plan. I would like to say a huge thank you to Aaron Massey for all his hard work in designing the site and everyone who has offered help, input and time.