Gray Matters

Afternoon Rowers,
Firstly and most importantly, 42 days of winter left to go. 6 weeks from today, so for those bottle blondes out there just the amount of time from one hair appointment to the next. Also according to this google search, we could be just 42 days away from wealth and happiness!
A lot can happen in 6 short weeks so get cracking.
Club Races
Club races were heaps for fun we had 6 fours racing, any engineers who were clever enough to move the foot stretchers in the Latham (boat not man) had better let me know so I get to rowing the night before to readjust these.
Well done to Derek for whooping Sally, Dave M, Rochelle and Kate D into first place. The crew dominated and was undefeated for their four races.
As hypothesised yes, boys can cook great bacon and eggs and Kev made awesome rum/raisin pancakes. There was a welcome absence of cheesy noodles and noodles cooked in beer as suggested by one blogger, though I’ll make a note of that gem of a recipe idea for next time Nicole busts me on ebay and sends me to do her supermarket shopping.
Tigers on Wheels
If you even want to dream of keeping up with Sarah, Sharon and I in “around the bay” in the 60km/h section join the gang as per Sarah’s emails most Saturday’s at 7am.
Election Time – Emma 09
Club elections & the AGM are on Saturday at 10:30 am followed by a club photo at 11:30 am.
People have nominated for all committee positions, except for Vice-President. We will be taking nominations from the floor on Saturday.
So, please think about running and getting involved. To nominate for VP you need to have been financial club member for 2 years. Any questions about committee stuff, please talk to anyone on this years committee or with past committee experience including Martin, Dennis, Emma, Derek, Annalise, John Latham (man not boat), Simon Crunden (man not boat, although you will probably get more sense from the boat), etc.
Katie Gray
PANS (PA to Nicole Stupka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)