Gray Matters scouring Melbourne for a pair of cuff links

Hi Rowers,
Sorry for the lack of news last week. Nicole had me flat out, first it was a boatload of rose petals (pair not 8 thank god, and I now receive a generous discount at roses only if anyone else is interested) for the sunset row, then we had to perfect our chocolate mousse recipe (18 attempts and 7 kilos later as I had to do all the taste testing to keep her slim for the big night), then we compared over 3000 PAIRS of cufflinks to find the perfect ones to match Martin’s eyes.
Finally I coloured all the yellow bits of my winter zootie black and tapped all the maple trees in Toorak (you don’t get all that much per tree) for the syrup for the pancake stack for the following morning, for this very important occasion, their first wedding anniversary.
So here I am fat and exhausted and determined never to buy another French cuff shirt for the rest of my life.

Mini Camp
On February 20 and 21 RRC will be holding a mini rowing camp for all crews. We have a guest coach, Geoff Perry (AKA Pugs) coming from Adelaide to work with all crews and coaches. You will find it a very valuable two sessions, and your coaches are keen to work with Pugs while examining your rowing skills from the comfort of their tinny.
So now is a good time to work out nicknames for each other so they will be well settled in before he arrives. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if he arrived and heard us calling each other by our first names, hardly sporting. If you don’t get nickname or can’t remember someone else’s, then make it up, just make sure you look directly at the person you are talking to (point if necessary).
Camp is going to be on the Maribyrnong and each crew will need to be available for one two-hour session on each of the two days. (Bring your club lock)
Annalise and Nicole are currently working out a schedule for the two days. They would like you to make your crew’s sessions a priority, however, if you have something particularly important to attend at some point during the weekend (eg an appointment with the AIS or your own wedding anniversary), please let your coach know, and we will try to schedule your crew in for an optimal time.
There will also be a club dinner on Saturday night. This is not by any means compulsory but you may like to share dinner with your fellow Tigers (Stevo, Beavo, Snake, Onion, Chicken, Erglover, Puggies Girl) and Pug at the pub (location to be announced).
Boatloading will be on Friday at 6pm at the shed and Sunday at 7pm also at the shed. Basically you need to
Boatload Friday 6pm
Row Saturday 2 hours
Optional Pub Dinner Saturday Night
Row Sunday 2 hours
Boat unloading Sunday 7pm
And we all know how good boatloading is for practice in house moving and also interior design. I had a picnic the other day and just carried the fridge outside and used an extension lead. Easy, felt as light as a feather. Hot night tonight, so I think it’s put it in the bedroom with the door open. Options are endless.

Feeling like a weakling at boatloading? Cox always pulling hard on the side you’re not rowing on? We can help. Also boxercise is back on Monday at 6:20 with John Vickory (Tyronne’s Dad).

Brawn and Brains?
The Pres has posted a notice on member news re the upcoming trivia fleet fundraiser. It will be a fundraiser and christening of the new boats. (MTM – Mother To Mother and Orlando) that evening. Any other suggestions? The Freddo Muncher? Faster than we Look, Too Lazy to Swim, Used to have Pudgy Arms, Never Sleep In.
Sprint races
Club sprint races are on this Sunday. The format is 4 x 350m sprint plus finals.  This is a great chance to practice your starts for all upcoming regattas.  Rowers please let your coaches know by Wednesday morning if you are interested in participating.  To make races go smoothly all rowers need to be at the club changed and ready to row at 9:45 am.  As always, there will be brunch post racing.  If you don’t have a coach and want to race email the boss and she will put you in a crew.
Crews for states have been set and the RRC contingent looks awesome … More info to come later in the week.
Girl Talk
My welder broke last week (and it’s going to take Sarah a week to fix it), Joe and I are fixing up Arnie’s old ford, does anyone else have one they can lend? We’re entered in a drag on Saturday night at Sandown, Susie I know you need yours this week, maybe one of the other girls? Let me know.
PANT (PA to Nicoles Tudka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)