Geraldine Goss awarded RV Female Masters Rower of the Year

2013 Female Masters Rower of the Year - Geraldine Goss
2013 Female Masters Rower of the Year – Geraldine Goss

Congratulations to Richmond’s very successful Geraldine Goss who was yesterday awarded Victorian Female Masters Rower of the year. Gerry has numerous achievements and was selected in the Victorian interstate women’s quad which went on to win gold at the Australian Masters Rowing Championships in Canberra earlier this year. She also claimed wins and places in multiple other events and for those of you who regularly read our blog you will have heard about her trip and further successes in Italy at the World Masters Games.
So taken from Facebook in the words of our very own Louise Roberts “Oh amazing job champ! You are an inspiration to us all”.
Karen Doggett
RRC President