College rowers in April and May

Training for the intercollegiate regatta recommences on Saturday 22nd of April after the Easter break culminating with the regatta day on the 6th of May.
It’s worth noting that whilst some crews are ex-school rowers with plenty of experience many have never rowed before and will be getting a crash course in sweep rowing before competing in that first regatta in two weeks.
This year RRC has leased the Schouten Family and the Jennifer Campbell out to the college crews exclusively along with the timber veneer Croker oars. These boats have now been blocked out for booking until after the 6th of May. We will also loan the Ambush on an ad-hoc basis until that crew’s boat is available at MUBC next week.

Crews leasing RRC boats are from University and Queens Colleges and MLC are leasing to Ormond and Trinity. With RRC and MLC leasing fleet to the intercollegiate rowing this year there will be between 50 and 70 odd new faces around the club when you add rowers, coxswains, coaches, reserves and friends. That’s a lot of potential new members so make them feel welcome.
The college crews predominantly train weekday mornings but I suspect they’ll be trying to get a few extra sessions in over the weekend and through to ANZAC day now the enforced Easter break is over. Those using RRC boats have been reminded to use the log book but even RRC’s experienced members forget sometimes so check the boats are all on the racks before you lock the RRC shed up.
More information on the intercollegiate various sports including rowing can be found here:
The girls from the Victorian Pathway Team eight have also been boating out of the MLC shed over the last week and will be attending Time trials over the next few days in Penrith. RRC wish them luck.…/JuniorPathwayTeam/