All RRC members, friends and family are invited to join us to celebrate a great Melbourne tradition, The AFL Grand Final! 
Why not cheer on the teams from our amazing balcony, just down the road from the MCG.
Pies and Nibbles are included in your $18 ticket price.
Drinks at bar prices
Saturday 28 September 2019 at 1pm


Richmond Rowing Club
7 Boathouse Drive, Melbourne



Ongoing benefits from sharing our facilities

We continue to be able to buy new boats and expand our fleet, we have recently christened new boats and announced additions to our fleet – we hope this will continue. In addition we are expanding our coaching resources and continue to improve our boat shed and facilities.
It is an important reminder that all of this is achieved for the benefit of the RRC members through the sublease of part of our club facilities to MLC and by allowing our facilities to be hired for events in order that we can generate these. We will see more of the MLC school rowers in the club over coming weeks and months as their rowing season increases and as Spring and Summer comes the hire of our venue will increase.
Given this arrangement it is important we all work together to use our facilities by accommodating the needs of others while they are present, as without ongoing subleasing and hiring of the venue we would not be able to fund our activities without significantly increasing our membership fees.
Currently we have an excellent relationship with MLC and get great feedback from people who hire our venue so things are working well. Therefore just a quick reminder of how to use the club when others are present and how to leave the club ready for others so this continues.

  • We have an agreement with MLC during term time that their rowers will have access to the gym and classroom area from 3pm until 6pm on weekdays – please be understanding of this and do not set up in the classroom before 6pm if it being used. If the main hall is available it can be used.
  • After 6pm if there are no functions on in either the main hall or classroom area please open the gym wall and set up your erg in the classroom area. If you start erging in the gym with the wall closed you are likely to be asked to move so others can access the classroom with their ergs or use the weights in the gym.
  • As you use the classroom, set up your erg so others can use the area with at least 8 ergs facing the window. If you set up in the middle of the room people are going to squeeze past you and get in your way.
  • Once you have finished your erg, wipe it down and restore it in the gym in the same way it came out so 12 ergs can fit in the blue lines neatly (it really does work). Similarly when you finish your weights session, restack the weights and bars, take the weights off the bars (they bend and get in the way!!!).
  • Last person/group out of the classroom close the sliding door so functions can happen the next day.
  • If there are functions on in the main hall when you arrive please use the gym with the sliding door closed and be considerate of noise.
  • In the unlikely event a function means you can’t access the classroom and main hall you can always take an erg downstairs into the boat bay or do your off water session outside for a change of scenery. If you are here for an on water session arrange yourself in the boat bay to minimise your impact on someone’s wedding or function.
  • When there are functions on members do have access to the change rooms and gym but should not hang around in the corridor and toilets, particularly if they are in rowing gear as this can be something of a shock to people attending a function!!!
  • Please leave the hall/classroom tidy when you leave, we book cleaners to come in the morning after each function has finished not before them.
  • If you come across an issue at the club where maintenance is required drop an email to Lucy our Facilities Coordinator at [email protected]

All hall hires are booked in the club calendar on the website, it’s easy to check out when they are on and what time they run until – check out the calendar
As a Committee we have recognized that the hall hires are very popular in November and December so we have tried to limit the frequency of events and make sure the club is available on Sundays given this is a major training day. Invariably the busiest times for events are Friday and Saturday nights with the biggest ones using all our facilities with caterers occasionally having to store items in the gym, check out the calendar and time your training accordingly.
And remember in the unlikely event you are frustrated by only being able to use the gym with the wall closed or having to do an outdoor session on a Friday night, the hall hire is generating vital funds towards that new boat.

2019 AGM and our most recent boat naming

The Richmond Rowing Club Annual General Meeting was held at the club on Saturday 27th July 2019. Thank you to all Committee members for their significant contributions through the year. A brief summary of the year’s activities is provided below; the full Annual Report including all Committee member reports is attached RRC Annual Report 2018/19
Membership Growth – Following a 14% increase in members last year, our financial member numbers grew by a further 13% to 161 (from 142 last year).
Member number growth continues through our Learn to Row program transitioning into our Development squad. As a result we have invested in increased coaching for this group of new members to continue to increase their skill levels as they start to compete at regattas and look to progress into other squads. Whilst we will continue to focus on Learn to Row courses in the coming year we will focus them on the summer months to maximise numbers and retention so the Development Squad continues to have a critical mass.
Member Engagement – Our events continue to bring the club together socially while generating funds for clubs fleet expansion. We held 6 major events, a number or smaller events and our training camp during the year from casual BBQ’s to Quiz Night, Presentation Night, New Year’s Eve. Thank you to Christine Sullivan for leading the Fundraising role with support from many of our members, a special thank you to all of the members that have helped out during the year.
The Committee has also turned their mind to our environmental impact as a club, implementing recycling bins in the club, facilitating the use of rain water for boat washing and supporting the Yarra River keepers Association as part of their projects to tidy the Yarra.
Demonstrate Club Success on the Water – In 2018/19 we expanded the number of paid coaching resources to support our volunteer coaches and we will continue this in the coming year.
It has been great to see excellent participation and regatta results throughout the year, lots of successes and members competing in their first regattas. In particular the results at the State Championships, where we picked up three golds including Michelle Joy and Kate Dyball in the Women’s A Grade Double.
Governance and Finance – Our venue continues to generate significant income through day and evening rentals resulting in a strong financial position.
We have continued to invest in the rowing program, but we must also continue to invest in our facilities to generate this revenue. Surplus funds generated are split between fleet and facility, with funds prudently reserved for significant capital works expected on the building in coming years. During the year the club invested in re-racking the rear middle section of the shed to increase boat capacity, at the same time we renegotiated the MLC sublease to progressively take back part of the third bay for our own use as the fleet expands.
We again invested heavily in our fleet, christening three new Sykes boats, a coxless quad and men’s and women’s double/pairs, and a second hand Wintech mid-weight single. We also expanded the number of oars and added a further 4 ergos to the gym.
In the coming year we have committed to further expand the fleet, replacing the Jennifer Campbell with a 5 year old Sykes 8+, buying a second-hand Sykes double and a new mid-weight Wintech single.
A major part of the AGM is to elect a new Committee and saying farewell to any departing members from the Committee.
Stefanie Dudczig and Yash Vegi have been the 2 ordinary members as part of the Committee over the last year. Stef has provided great assistance to the Secretary with the new member process and Yash has worked closely with Tim in relation to the Learn to Row organisation. Both of them will continue to assist with these areas in non-Committee roles. Thank you to both of you for your contribution to the Committee.
The Committee for the 2019-20 season (the 157th RRC Committee) consists of:
President – Jon Roberts
Vice-President – Aline Dejaeger
Secretary – John Carey
Treasurer – Kathy Macrow
Captain of Boats – Barry Campbell
Head of Rowing – Tim Evans
Facilities Coordinator – Lucy Crunden
Fundraising Coordinator – Christine Sullivan
Two ordinary members – Kim Begelhole and Amy Katlin
Congratulations and welcome to our newest Committee members, John Carey and Amy Catlin.
At the conclusion of the AGM and as part of our fleet renewal program we proceeded downstairs to name our newest fleet addition, a Sykes Women’s Eight. We were very pleased to be able to name this boat after one of our life members who continues to row successfully today, Ray Dennis.

Ray has been a member of the club since 1957 and continues to wear the Richmond zootie, including picking three Gold medals in the 2019 Australian Masters Regatta.

We then proceeded to take to the water for some fun with club races. We ran a Head Season format, with time trials from the Island to the Club. Congratulations to all those who took part and the winning 8.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the BBQ and bar afterwards.


RRC has installed a new system of foot stretchers and base plates, which work with quick release rowing shoes, into a number of club boats as follows:
Eights: Timothy Evans
Fours/Quads: Dennis Beck, Barry Campbell, Karen Doggett, QT
Doubles/Pairs: Sesquicentenial, Remigando Fortis, Siberian Tiger, Geraldine Goss, Anthea Amos
Singles: Gurrong
There are plans to upgrade the Ambush and Perillo at the working bee (Saturday 10th August – put it in your diary).
The club has purchased some additional pairs of shoes in a range of “regular” sizes and club members may switch shoe sizes prior to going on water.  Ask your coach or Captain Barry to show you where these shoes are kept and how to swap them.
The club has a range of both adjustable and non-adjustable shoes, sufficient for everyone, although if a rower prefers rowing with a non-adjustable shoe of their exact size purchasing your own quick release rowing shoes will guarantee this.
Benefits of the new system

  1. Crews of different heights/foot sizes can “fit” in the boats much more easily. The days of stuffing socks in the bottom of shoes to make them fit smaller feet, or rowing “feet out” because your feet were bigger than the shoes are past.
  2. Rowing in the correct size shoes can improve a rower’s technique and power
  3. Individuals with their own rowing shoes can use them in club boats

Can I buy my own rowing shoes and shoe plate?
You may wish to buy your own shoes and shoe plate (red piece in the diagram) if you row in the boats which have been fitted with the new systems.  There are benefits to owning your own shoes:

  • Personal hygiene for your feet, and comfort
  • Can reduce injury risk – depends on the rowers’ biomechanics
  • Allows for custom fitting of shoes – depending on a rowers’ biometrics (eg different lengths in legs can be catered for with shims)
  • Setting yourself up to row in varying boats takes less time

You may use your own shoes on an ergo, as we now have a number of adapter plates available for ergos.  Club owned shoes may not be used on ergos.
 Compatible Shoe and Shoe Plate Options – Richmond Rowing Club
Not all rowing shoes are compatible with the system RRC has installed. These shoes will.

Brand and Type Current Price Comments
 Bat Logic PBR Shoe range
CustomPack Shims/Orthotics
$149; $240; $289 +P&H From basic to top of the range
Custom Pack $60.50
Rowfit shoes $120 + P&H Basic shoes
H2Row Rowing Shoes $125 Volume discount for bulk purchase. Agent located on Boathouse Drive-maybe no P&H
Sykes Racing Rowing Shoes $185 + P&H
Against Rowing Shoes $240 + P&H $329 with base plate combo
Wintech $175 + P&H New shoes being released. Captain Barry has a pair
Bat Logic Shoeplate tops for your rowing shoes. $86.90 a pair + P&H All rowers purchasing shoes will need to buy these. 2 sizes – small 6-9 & large 11-17. Check with Captain Barry.

All rowers will need to purchase a shoe plate to fit their shoes on.  An order placed through the club may attract a bulk discount (if 16 pairs ordered) & shared P&H – postage & handling.
Bat Logic also offer an assessment of your legs/feet and recommend appropriate shoes/shims/orthotics. 
More information:
Below is some information on the bat logic pro quick release system.
Bat Logic ShoePlate Pro QuickRelease Benefits
Leg length Discrepancy
Bat Logic Shim Pack
Bat Logic system Compatible Brands of Shoes
Barry, our Captain, is also a good source of information as he has completed the conversions, and has some samples.
Barry Campbell

AGM's and Boat Namings!!

We are continuing our fleet renewal program and will be naming our new Women’s Eight after the RRC AGM which starts at 10am on Saturday, 27 July. We look forward to seeing as many members present as possible, the running order for the day will be:
10am – AGM
10.30am – Boat naming
11am – club races
12 onwards – BBQ and bar
As part of our fleet renewal program to make space for newer boats we donated one of our older single sculls to the Bendigo Rowing Club last year. We have received many thanks for Bendigo for this donation and they have in turn spent time refurbishing the boat.
I was pleased to receive a letter from the Bendigo Rowing Club, thanking us for this donation and also letting me know that they intend to name the boat after our current Head of Rowing Tim Evans.
As most of you will know Tim has a deep connection with both clubs, having been introduced to rowing in Bendigo by one of their life members Denis Nihill. Tim has also rowed successfully for Richmond for a number of years, served on our Committee in multiple roles and is a Life Member of Richmond Rowing Club.
The Tim Evans will be formally named following the BRC AGM to be held at 11am, Sunday 28 July at Lake Weeroona, Bendigo. Tim will be present and I will also attend to represent the club. The Bendigo Rowing Club has also invited any members of Richmond Rowing Club who would like to attend. Please let me know and I will pass on the details.
In their correspondence with me the Bendigo Rowing Club has also recognised our participation in the annual Bendigo Sprint Regatta and they look forward to seeing us this year again. Highlighting the number of former Bendigo rowers who have continued their rowing on relocation to Melbourne by joining our club, they also hope that the naming of the boat will further strengthen the connection that exists between our clubs.
Congratulations to Tim on this honour from his hometown club!!

Presentation Night 2019

A great night was had by all at the Richmond Rowing Club 2018/19 Presentation Night. Thank you to all of the RRC members and guests who came along to celebrate another successful season. As always it was great to see so many new and old faces present on the night.
We congratulated our Male and Female Club and Masters rowers of the year. These prestigious awards are determined through participation and success at regattas, club races and club time trials. The winners on the evening were:

  • Mal Scott Award – Male Club Rower of the Year – John Carey
  • John Sawyer – Female Club Rower of the Year – Geraldine Goss
  • Male Masters Rower of the Year – Leigh Sullivan and Philip Munson
  • Female Masters Rower of the Year – Diana Vernon and Anthea Amos

The Don Edwards, Cox of the year award was presented to Charlotte North-Coombes.

The President’s Award was presented to Steven Sheppard, reflecting on his dedication to Richmond Rowing Club and the sport of rowing in Victoria as a level 2 BRO. Stephen is regularly representing our club at Regattas to ensure their smooth and safe running.

The Hendley Family Mixed Quad Time Trial was presented by Rod Hendley to Kate Dyball, John Carey, Dennis Beck, Geraldine Goss and Charlotte North-Coombes (coxswain).

The male coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Alan Randall, Jon Roberts, John Carey, Dennis Beck and Charlotte North-Coombes (coxswain).
The female coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Michelle Joy, Kate Dyball, Karen Doggett, Geraldine Goss and Derek Begg (coxswain).
The Jim Barton Males Tub Single time trial was won by John Carey and the Jim Barton Female Tub Single time trial was won by Geraldine Goss.
A number of other awards were presented on the night including:

  • Best and Furriest – Rosie Dickson-Hoyle
  • Eye of the Tiger Award – Steven Sheppard and Ben Bowen
  • Captains Award – Steven Sheppard

Thank you to all those who contributed to such a good night including Tim Evans our MC for the evening and Kim Begelhole for sharing pictures and videos from the season.
We celebrated our Victorian State Championship winners in 2019, pictures of these crews were unveiled which will be displayed in the club. The crews were:

  • Female D Grade coxed 4: Dana Hill, Sarah Houghton, Geraldine Goss, Zoe Maxwell and Charlotte North-Coombes (coxswain)
  • Male D Grade pair: John Carey and Andrew Yuile
  • Female A Grade double: Kate Dyball and Michelle Joy

We also celebrated Ray Dennis who represented Richmond at the recent National Masters Championships. Amongst many medals Ray brought home 3 Gold medals in composite crews, Male Masters J Double, Male J-M Pair and the Male J-M Coxed 4.
The slides presented on the evening can be found at RRC Presentation Night 2019.pdf

Save the date – RRC training camp – 13-15 September 2019

RRC’s Spring Training camp date has been locked in over the weekend of 13-15 September 2019 at Nagambie.
Consistent with last year we have booked accommodation at the Nagambie Leisure Park on the nights of 13 and 14 September. For those attending we will have on water sessions on 14 and 15 September on both the regatta course and river. If you can get the day off work on 13 September, there will be the opportunity for some additional casual sessions also.
Full details to follow soon. Lock the date in your diary – it’s a great reason to start your Winter training now !!!

2019 RRC AGM – Saturday 27th July

Richmond Rowing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the clubhouse on the morning of Saturday 27th July. The meeting will start at 10am followed by club races and a BBQ.
At the AGM all Committee members stand down and positions are available for club members to stand for election to the RRC Committee for the coming year. Generally the incoming Committee is a blend of new and experienced members. To present yourself for election, you are required to have been a member of the club for more than 2 years and be willing to help out with the club’s organisation. If you are interested, feel free to chat to any of the current Committee members to get some more background information. The Committee positions are:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Head of Rowing
  • Captain of Boats
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Facilities Coordinator
  • Ordinary Member (two ordinary member positions are available which assist with a number of areas including New Member Coordination and Learn To Row Coordination)

During the AGM, outgoing Committee members will briefly go through some of the highlights of the year, as well as a summary of the club’s financial situation and the main achievements compared to the goals we set out last year. This usually takes less than an hour and we warmly invite all members of the club to attend.
If you wish to present yourself for election, please complete a nomination form (found on the documents page of our website) and submit it to the secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (BEFORE 12th July).
Please show your support for the Committee and your Club by attending the AGM.
Nomination for Office Bearer – July 2019

Last chance for RRC presentation night tickets

This years RRC Presentation Night is just over a week away on Friday 31st May at 7pm.
It’s the ideal time to come together and celebrate all that is great about our special club. Annual awards including rowers and coxswain of the year will be presented. Club races and time trial winners will also be announced so make sure you’re there to receive your awards!
Tickets are on sale now at Trybooking. Bring along your partner or friends for what will be a special night at the clubhouse.