Upcoming Fundraiser

Hi Tigers,
Well done to all those who competed at States on the weekend! Now it’s onto Masters season as well as the start of a number of upcoming social and fundraising events. Coming around quickly is our annual Quiz night being held on Saturday 2nd April, Tickets for this are available at $25 and are available via money transfer to the club (click “Quiz Night” link for details).
Thanks to all of you who have come forward with an Auction item for donation to date, however I’m on the hunt for a few more if possible. For those not familiar with the format we usually have a live auction in between quiz rounds and a silent auction running in the background. It’s our major fundraiser of the year and every little thing can help. I’m looking to lock down our auction items by Friday 18th March so we can prepare for the night.
Do you have anything you wish to donate to the club for the auction? This could be:

  1. Holiday homes / trips away
  2. Vouchers / Wine
  3. Services on offer (gardening, handyman, cleaning)
  4. Coaching
  5. Vintage or overseas sport kit
  6. Anything else!

If you do have something to offer please can you email Cat Bower at [email protected]
RRC 2016 quiz night