2011-12 season results announced – Presentation Night

Last night RRC celebrated yet another fantastic year of achievements for the club – both on and off the water – at our annual presentation night. The event was held at Tsubar (Melbourne University) where some 55 plus RRC members and friends enjoyed an evening of good food, company and excellent dress sense! Yes – it’s always nice to see each other in non-sporting gear.

Although there are occasions throughout the year to celebrate successes, this night presents an opportunity to reflect on the club’s accomplishments as a whole and importantly it is also when the club presents the awards for best female and male rower (John Sawyer and Mal Scott Trophies), the best coxswain (Don Edwards Trophy) and the President’s Award. Amazing John Sawyer himself presented the trophy for best female rower and shared the story of how this award came to be named after him.

For those of you who haven’t heard yet, the winners of the 2011-12 season awards went to:

  • Geraldine Goss – Best Female Rower
  • Gareth Brodie – Best Male Rower
  • Rebecca Lionett – Best Coxswain
  • Martin Foster – President’s Award


In addition to recognising these members, and those that picked up numerous medals at Vic States, NSW States, Masters Nationals and the many other regattas RRC attended – we also thanked the work of our coaches – who sometimes go unnoticed. Beginning this season (2012-13) the committee would like to introduce a ‘new’ award to formally recognise this dedicated group of volunteers and establish the Don Dudgeon Trophy for ‘Best Coach’. This motion will be proposed at the upcoming AGM in July (last Saturday of

the month) for the membership to vote on and the details regarding how the trophy would be awarded announced then.

A couple of other big announcements were made – progress on the clubhouse redevelopment project, including the very almost final design (Note: I will be sending a separate email about this project during the week), and the plans for the club’s 150thbirthday celebration.

Yep – next year, 2013, RRC will be turning 150. There will be numerous events held from June onwards to honour this milestone, including a spectacular gala dinner at the Melbourne Town Hall on Saturday 14 September 2013 – so make sure you save the date now.

So as you can see RRC has some big things coming up over the next 12-18 months, making it a really exciting time to be part of the club.

Thank you again to all those that made last night possible – Vicki Brennan, Simon Crunden, Karen Doggett (who’s slide show of the last season we will send out soon) – and all of you who were able to attend and make it another fun and memorable night.

Emma Catford, President