After a few weeks of uncertainty, Rutherglen Regatta 2023 was confirmed to actually take place on Lake Moodemere, to everyone’s relief and delight. The recent Murray River flooding carved out a lovely little cliff on the river bank, which made launching boats a tad more challenging, but nothing could stop the good vibes and enthusiasm of participants. The contingent from RRC was strong this year, with over 30 members attending and 60 races entered over the weekend. Armed with Will’s spreadsheet, RRC was an unstoppable tsunami of boats and coxes on and off the water both days.

After the stifling heat on Saturday, it was deliciously refreshing to jump in the pool at the Lydoun Motel, our home away from home in Chiltern. This was followed by a lovely BBQ, expertly cooked by our team of volunteers and coordinated by Richie Healy.
It also gave us an opportunity to say farewell to Sep Tolboom, who has now returned to his native Netherlands after spending some time in Melbourne. He’s been a great addition to the men’s coaching team and a wonderful person to have around the club. Best of luck on your new adventures Sep!

Race of the weekend?
Big ups to Richie for catching the footage of the absolute barnstormer of a finish for the Sunday MB4x+ “too close to call”.
MC8+ Will Golding, Allan Randall, Isaac Balemi, Pat Cook, Ben Wardle, Alex Pupko, Dennis Beck, Jack Hellerstedt, coxed by Ally Dejaegher
X2X Jack Hellerstedt & Ally Dejaegher
MB4X+ Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Ben Wardle, Will Golding, coxed by Jack Hellerstedt
FM4X+ Christine Sullivan, Cynthia Masters, Sarah Hardy, Diana Vernon, coxed by Stef Dudzig
FB2- Amy Catlin & Lily Innes-Irons
MC4X+ Emil Limansyah, James Merrett, Will Golding, Pat Cook, coxed by Jack Hellerstedt
FB4+ Caley Manzie, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, Stef Dudzig, Gabriella Bekir-Fuente, coxed by Wan Emptage
FC4+ Emily Bourke, Dana Hill, Caley Manzie, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, coxed by Christine Sullivan

MB8+ Pat Cook, Jack Hellerstedt, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Tom McKay, Ben Wardle, Will Golding, Isaac Balemi, coxed by Ally Dejaegher
FC4X+ Gabriella Bekir-Fuente, Marie Bergmann, Caley Manzie, Emily Bourke coxed by Amy Catlin
FB4+ Caley Manzie, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, Stef Dudzig, Gabriella Bekir-Fuente, coxed by James Merrett
MC4X+ Emil Limansyah, James Merrett, Allan Randall, Dmitri Maksoutov, coxed by Geraldine Goss

Thank yous
Huge thanks to our team of volunteers for making this event possible:
• Fiona Morrison for organising accommodation at Lydoun Motel
• Christine & Leigh Sullivan, for towing the trailer to and from Rutherglen
• Leigh Sullivan for BRO duty on Saturday
• Richie Healy for organising food logistics and planning the Saturday BBQ
• Pat Cook, Gerry Goss, Will Golding, Jon Roberts & Dennis Beck for cooking up a storm on Saturday night and making sure everything gets cleaned up
• Jack Hellerstedt for crisis re-booking the pub, creating the photo album, picking up BBQ food and double checking boats were tied down properly
• Kim Begelhole for the boatloading plan
• All members who coxed, helped to get boats on and off water, boatloaded/unloaded and generally helped out over the weekend. Your assistance is really appreciated!