RRC big guns were out in force for masters states 7/5 in Nagambie, with nine athletes pulling in 3 first, 7 second, and 2 third place finishes across a variety of composite and all yellow and black crews, with Gerry managing an eight-medal haul for this weekend.
Thanks to Kirsty for BROing, and Chris & Leigh for trailering.

FME4x- M.Joy [RCHMD], G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], P.Whiting [MUBC]
FMEK4+ G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], K.Patten [POWR], F.Spriggs [POWR], Cox: L.Letic [APSM]
FMEK8+ S.Gould [MELB], A.Parbury [MUBC], J.Bant [MUBC], L.Phillips [MELB], P.Whiting [MUBC], L.Broad [BRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], Cox: E.Plowright [MELB]
MixMGK2x T.Bishop [QBC], G.Goss [RCHMD]
MMGK4+ D.Wilson [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], P.Anderson [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS]
FMAB4+ C.Crouser, K.Fergie, M.Joy, K.Doggett, Cox: C.Lawrence
FMD2x G.Goss, H.Pearce
FMAD8+ B.Klein-van Mullekom [MELB], K.Lloyd [BCRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], R.Gribble [WENDB], K.Patten [POWR], L.Skidmore [YARRA], A.Rukuwai [MELB], S.Hayward [CARM], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS], Coach: J.Walker
FMAB4x- K.Doggett, Z.Maxwell, M.Joy, K.Dyball
FME2x C.Carr [YARRA], G.Goss [RCHMD]
FMAD8+ J.Fischmann [CARM], C.Crouser [RCHMD], K.Doggett [RCHMD], C.Carr [YARRA], S.Waters [BCRC], C.Plowman [CARM], J.Deeble [CARM], K.James [CARM], Cox: J.Cuddy [CARM]
FMC4x- K.Doggett, G.Goss, M.Joy, K.Dyball