Heavy rain the night before led to a sunny, about as wind-free day as you’re going to get on Albert Park Lake (sailboats were still out).
Anthea was competing on two planes this sunny Saturday- “… so I demoralized them and took advantage of them. It’s good to have lots of rowing friends and enjoy good banter with, and keep ahead of them on the course occasionally. “
Everyone from RRC was a winner today, with notable first medals for Cynthia Masters & Sarah Hardy, as well as for our distinctly not-masters age Ini from the coxswain seat!
Thanks to Barry & the Sullivans for getting the trailer to and from the lake, and particularly Helen, Kirstie, Tim, Dennis, Christine, Leigh for loading in the rain the night before.

XM4x+ C.Masters, L.Sullivan, P.Munson, A.Amos, Cox: Y.Lai
MM4x+ J.Hellerstedt, P.Oborin, J.Carey, D.Beck, Cox: D.Begg
XM2x H.Pearce, T.Evans
FM4x+ C.Sullivan, S.Hardy, K.Fergie, S.Mullner, Cox: Y.Lai
MM4x+ S.Cross [WDRC], P.Munson [RCHMD], T.Evans [RCHMD], L.Sullivan [RCHMD], Cox: C.Sullivan [RCHMD]
MM2x P.Oborin, J.Hellerstedt
FM2x H.Pearce, K.Fergie
XM4x+ C.Masters, J.Carey, D.Beck, A.Amos, Cox: C.Sullivan
FM4x+ C.Sullivan, S.Hardy, H.Pearce, S.Mullner, Cox: Y.Lai
MM4x- P.Oborin, J.Hellerstedt, J.Carey, D.Beck