Strategic Planning Session – 7 July 2018

As a club, through the quieter Winter months, it is important we reflect upon the season gone and look towards the 2018/19 season. To do this we plan to hold 2 feedback/planning sessions:

  1. Rowing season review – Tim will be running a post rowing season feedback session on Thursday 14th June from 6.30pm to 7.30pm to bring all our rowers together to consider our rowing successes and areas to target for improvement next season.
  2. Strategic planning session – I will be facilitating a short strategic planning session. This will be more focused on the non rowing aspects of the club given we are a community managed volunteer organisation .

I would like to invite all our members to attend this strategic planning session to be held on Saturday 7th July at the boathouse from 10am-12pm. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a member, what experiences you have or what you think you can contribute everyone is welcome (even if you don’t say a word) and its an ideal time to just find out a little more about what makes Richmond the club it is and how you can contribute to it.


We’re aiming to keep it very focused and to encourage lots of people to attend it won’t take up your whole weekend – just a few hours on Saturday morning after Winter sculling. In advance of the session here is some background for our discussion, both the mission statement and the 5 year club objectives which were agree during last years planning session.
Firstly RRC’s mission statement:
“Richmond Rowing Club has a long proud history as an active and competitive, volunteer managed rowing club. We will continue to provide opportunities to participate, develop and compete in an inclusive, friendly environment, balancing lifestyle and rowing.”
5 year objectives for the club set in 2017:

  1. Membership Growth – Grow to over 200 members in five years
  2. Demonstrate Club Success on the Water – Place in the top 5 of the RV Club Champion premiership
  3. Member Engagement – Engage members through vibrant off water events and a culture of volunteering
  4. Governance and Finance – To be able to independently finance fleet renewal and building improvement

The focus of the session will on Membership Growth and Member Engagement, considering what we have achieved over the past year, what we want to achieve in coming years along with how we will do it. Hopefully coming out of the session we will be able to formulate goals, objectives and action plans to help us achieve them.
Any questions, comments, suggestions let me know, [email protected]