Updated RRC Safety Management Plan

The Clubs Safety Management Plan is an important document and all members should be aware of its contents. The safety management plan covers our on water activities, covering:

  • The assessment and reduction of risks related to our on water activities
  • Member Responsibilities
  • Safety Resources
  • Information about the safe use of boats and equipment including a checklist covering safe working condition of equipment prior to rowing
  • Incident reporting
  • Competency of those involved in rowing

Please review the document and be aware of it’s contents, I would like to highlight the following as reminders:

  • Consider the risk assessment board at the front of the club prior to any outing to assess the conditions. Ensure you know the waterway rules (included on the local waterways plan) and sign out of the shed on the sheet. If conditions are not safe or beyond your capabilities do not proceed.
  • Be aware of the safety resources at the club and their location including safety aids/rescue and defibrillator (beneath the sweep oars), first aid kits (gym), emergency services information etc
  • Check the boat and equipment before every outing including the bow ball is securely fixed, seals/bungs are secure for buoyancy, heel restraints are secure, steering is in good working order, riggers, gates etc. are working appropriately and oars are appropriately set within gates.
  • Lights must be used in poor visibility, take into account your planned on water time not just conditions when you launch
  • Consider your competency before any session, including physical/medical considerations, ability of participates and coxswains for the conditions and the boat you plan to launch in. If unsure, do not proceed.
  • Every rower is required to complete a safety theory assessment and swim test on joining. In addition the Rowing Victoria coxswains accreditation must be achieved in advance of rowing a single or coxing a boat/steering a coxless boat from bow seat.
  • Any incidents must be reported immediately. Should an incident occur you should return to the shed as damage may have occurred to the boat you are not aware of which could impact the crews safety. Reporting should be via
  • There is increased boat traffic on the Yarra, be aware of this at the time of your row and frequently consider the boat traffic around you to reduce the risk of incidents. Be considerate of other river users and do not undertake higher risk activities eg turning close to bridges, race pieces when the river is very busy/there are a high number of inexperienced crews or motor boats.
  • Based on Captains instructions:
    • No RRC crews are permitted 50 metres beyond the downstream drip line of the Bolte Bridge into the Port of Melbourne Area as we do not have the required equipment to meet the Harbour Masters Directions.
    • RRC crews may turn under the Bolte Bridge and enter Victoria Harbour:
      • • as long as it is safe to do so.
      • • provided they are within 50 metres of the downstream drip line of the Bolte Bridge.